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What happened to 3.6?


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I visited the forum the other week and was very pleased to see an announcement that a new version of UniformServer was out, and I've just returned to download it and now cannot see the announcement or the download.


Did I miss something? :D




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The release you are referring to is an unofficial upgrade to 3.5-Apollo.

It was removed from the announcements section because this is reserved for official releases only.


There are two upgrades downloadable from the Wiki. :D


These are now in their third incarnation; new core components have been released in quick succession and the current upgrade looks like this:


Apache 2.2.11

MySQL 5.0.67-community-nt

PHP 5.2.8

phpMyBackupPro v.2.1


ActivePerl 5,10,0,1003


SSL pre-installed (ssl_098i)


Check out the Wiki for additional support information.


All the best

Ric B)

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  • 1 month later...

With the release of 4.0-Mona the disappearance of 3.6-Apollo from the Wiki I can now explain.


It was pulled from the Wiki and dismantled; the better ideas and functionality are integrated into Mona along with additional features. The Apollo update would have led to confusion and an impossible task to maintain if left on the Wiki.


Mona has the great advantage in that it has been fully tested and ripped apart by the beta team. The design team have addressed all problems found hence it should be an excellent piece of kit. Mona has a very small footprint while retaining maximum functionality making it ideal as a test, teaching and production server.


All the best

Ric :)

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