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Uniform Server "Crash" on Windows Vista Ultimate


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I spent the better part of 5 hours wrestling with Windows Vista, finally beating it into submission to allow Uniform Server to run.




I am using Uniform Server 3.5


My issue was that Start_Server would appear to be successful, mounting the W:\ drive and launching the redirect.html page. However, by the time it redirected, the W:\ drive would have unmounted and left me scratching my head.


I followed the suggestions on the problems wiki page to try:

netstat -ano | find "LISTENING" | find "80"

my result?

 TCP	[::]:80				[::]:0				 LISTENING	   4



I tried the running process lookup suggested for XP, but Vista did not like the filter used:

tasklist /SVC /fi "PID 4"
ERROR: The search filter cannot be recognized.


Altering this, I used:

tasklist /SVC

to get:

Image Name					 PID Services
========================= ======== ============================================
System Idle Process			  0 N/A
System						   4 N/A
smss.exe					   484 N/A
csrss.exe					  616 N/A
wininit.exe					668 N/A
csrss.exe					  688 N/A
services.exe				   724 N/A
lsass.exe					  740 KeyIso, SamSs
lsm.exe						748 N/A
winlogon.exe				   836 N/A



So, this PID of 4 is a System process. It is some sort of System process locking port 80. I turned off IIS completely, so that was not it. Google searches suggested Skype, but I do not have Skype installed.


The culprit? A Windows service called "World Wide Web Publishing Service"


Go to control panel, open up the System and Maintenance item, then Administrative Tools, then Services. I clicked through a number that looked like they may be web related, and tested the netstat command after each one. Sure enough, after turning this service off, I was able to rock 'n roll. I flipped it on / off a few times to be sure, and it does seem to be my own little culprit.


EDIT: Also, turning off MS-SQL's Reporting Services is necessary as well, as I learned after a reboot.



Just thought I would leave this info for anyone else noticing that they can't get Apache to listen on due to a System PID claiming it.

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  • 3 months later...

This is very helpful information. Thanks.


However, I am still having issues running US4 Mona... Apache unable to start due to port 80 is being used. I know full well that I don't run IIS, Skype or any other apps that would used port 80.


For now I am staying with 3.5 and has been for over 8 m without any issues.


I was wondering if anyone here have solutions on running Mona on Vista Ultimate 64x? Thanks again.



Uniform Server ROCK!!

Many thanks to the developers for the hard work. :)

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This is very helpful information. Thanks.


However, I am still having issues running US4 Mona... Apache unable to start due to port 80 is being used. I know full well that I don't run IIS, Skype or any other apps that would used port 80.


For now I am staying with 3.5 and has been for over 8 m without any issues.


I was wondering if anyone here have solutions on running Mona on Vista Ultimate 64x? Thanks again.

Uniform Server ROCK!!

Many thanks to the developers for the hard work. :)



Got this issues solved by installing .exe version. Not sure what causes it but it work.

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