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changing date on server


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You never explained why you want to do this. Apache obtains its time reference from the PC clock. In theory you could change the PC clock hence change Apache time. It is neither desirable nor a good idea to do this, will cause havoc with other programs.


If all you want to do is change-displayed time to a user use PHP for example:

Save this as test.php it effectively locates your server in a different time zone, however in reality it is referenced to your PC time.


<p>Display local time</p>
<?php print  date("H:i") ?>

<p>Display time difference + 5hours</p>
print date("H:i", $new_var);

<p>Display time difference - 5hours</p>
print date("H:i", $new_var);

<p>Display local time America/Chicago </p>
<?php print  date("H:i") ?>

<p>Display local time  Australia/Melbourne</p>
<?php print  date("H:i") ?>


If you want to do is echo their local time use a small JavaScript to pick up there local PC time.


Not sure if that’s of any help

All the best

Ric :D

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