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Addressing problem


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I'm having a problem with my site address. When I type the site in with the "WWW" in the address (ex. www.sitename.com) it sends me to the default uniform server page (purple backround) but as when I don't (ex. sitename.com) it takes me to the site correct site. My server is hosting 6 sperapate pages using virtual hosting. When I created the virtual host I did NOT put the "www" in the address. I added it and still had the problem though (and the site wouldnt come up at all). What am I doing wrong? :blink:

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Hi Charles


Could you please show us your Virtual Host setup inside your httpd.conf file.




Open the file, scroll right down and copy everything about Virtual Hosting.




ATOMIC Web Hosting 2007 - 2011

Shared Hosting - Reseller Hosting - Dedicated Servers - Virtual Private Servers (Request Dedicated/VPS Servers via E-mail)

E-mail: sales@atomicwebhosting.com Website: http://www.atomicwebhosting.com/

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##########VIRTUAL HOST SETUP##########
# sitename.INFO
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName sitename.info
ServerAlias www.sitename.info
DocumentRoot /www/serv6


Try this, you just needed an Alias with www. appended.



ATOMIC Web Hosting 2007 - 2011

Shared Hosting - Reseller Hosting - Dedicated Servers - Virtual Private Servers (Request Dedicated/VPS Servers via E-mail)

E-mail: sales@atomicwebhosting.com Website: http://www.atomicwebhosting.com/

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