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error 403


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i know billyk has this exact same question alittle below here but i didnt want to hijack his post.


im getting the error when i try to connect through my ip. and not through localhost.


i modified the htaccess file to


# This file provides security to the server limiting access to the localhost only.

# Comment to deactivate.


Order Deny,Allow

Allow from all


# To disallow execution of cgi scripts in this directory comment next two lines.


AddHandler cgi-script .bat .exe .pl .cgi

Options +ExecCGI



# Activate this to use the Admin Panel Feature!


# To lock Admin Panel, uncomment the next 4 lines.

# Defaults: Username - root; Password - root


#AuthName "Uniform Server - Admin Panel 2.0"

#AuthType Basic

#AuthUserFile /htpasswd/home/admin/www/.htpasswd

#Require valid-user


and i set up a static ip and as far as i know i forwarded port 80 through my router and windows firewall.


i havent set up any passwords or added any files yet but i cant access the test page.

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Change it to:


# This file provides security to the server limiting access to the localhost only.
# Comment to deactivate.

#Order Deny,Allow
#Allow from all

# To disallow execution of cgi scripts in this directory comment next two lines.

AddHandler cgi-script .bat .exe .pl .cgi
Options +ExecCGI

# Activate this to use the Admin Panel Feature!
# To lock Admin Panel, uncomment the next 4 lines.
# Defaults: Username - root; Password - root

#AuthName "Uniform Server - Admin Panel 2.0"
#AuthType Basic
#AuthUserFile /htpasswd/home/admin/www/.htpasswd
#Require valid-user


Let me know if it still doesnt work.

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