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Accessing MySQL


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I'm following a tutorial to learn PHP. The tutorial is assuming individual installation of PHP, MySQL, and Apache.--not The Uniform Server. The tutorial has an exercise which requires access to MySQL. I'm supposed to type a statement at the mysql> prompt. I can't figure out how to get to the mysql prompt.


I don't see any MySQL files in the Uniform Server folder.


I used the UniServer admin panel to check if MySQL is running. It is. That's all I can figure out.


Any help/direction will be appreciated.



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I think this is the page you are looking for:




Ric, I got as far as "Type in CD usr\local\mysql\bin this selects the folder where you run MySQL console". That's the last instruction I understood and accomplished.


I don't know why I need to create users and set permissions but I tried to follow the instructions but I can't figure out what I'm supposed to type for the username and password. The instructions are to type

mysql -uroot -proot (Where -u stands for username immediately followed by the username...)


I tried:

mysql -uroot -proot (since I thought "root" was the default and I haven't made any changes)

mysql root root

mysql uroot proot


Each time I get a message: 'mysql' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.


I'm stuck. :)

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To make it a little clearer I have taken a copy (from the screen) of the transactions.

Highlighted, what you need to type in to the command window (cmd) to obtain the mysql prompt:


start > run > cmd opens a command window


C:\Documents and Settings\mike>w:

W:\>cd usr\local\mysql\bin

W:\usr\local\mysql\bin>mysql -uroot –proot


Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 1

Server version: 5.0.41-community-nt MySQL Community Edition (GPL)


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.



(Type in your MySQL commands )






Hope that helps

Ric :)

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Thank you, Ric. It worked this time.



To make it a little clearer I have taken a copy (from the screen) of the transactions.

Highlighted, what you need to type in to the command window (cmd) to obtain the mysql prompt:


Hope that helps

Ric :)


After you CD into MySQL's folder, do you see the prompt: W:\usr\local\mysql\bin\ >?


thanks for replying. Ric's response helped me.


What are you even trying to type in the console?

Thanks for replying. I was trying to get the mysql prompt.

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