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Version Check in Admin Panel


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And back.


I introduced a version check system that any of your plugins may use.


it is a patch...


The modified update.php (that only checked for new uniserver releases) checks now any

pluginname.version file in W:\plugins\ and a target webserver to see, if a new update is

availible and supplies a link.


It is still doing the version check for the Adminpanel.


Just a side note: this is going to be included in my plugin management system. my pluginname.conf specification will go with it.



just check it out.







it is quite easy to add version checking support to any of your plugins.

just a textfile with the ending of .version in the w:\plugins\ folder

with 5 or 6 entries.


1: Plugin Name

2: Version Number

3: URL where to find the Update

4: URL to Version file on server ( http://server/pluginname.version )

5: URL to changelog or notes

6: additional data used by the author (kepler plugin uses it to hold the kepler release version)


more at my page

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THE AVC system is extended to a full Plugin Specification.


The idea behind it, is to support a common dataset for plugins to use, while providing the possibility of multiple plugin managers and tools creation.


It includes some admin panel fixes.


My Plugin Manager System (still alpha) builds right on top of AVC.

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  • 1 year later...

As i found out, the AVC patch was not added to the MONA release.


Will go for an upgrade to be MONA compatible the next few days | tomorrow. Gonna post progress here. DL at the same link as above.


...while deploying my MONA server. still on my patched APOLLO. Hope i get all my modifications running again...

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  • 3 weeks later...

totally forgot to upload the MONA compatible version:




this package has no dependencies, is basically allowing the plugins to add themselves to the nav bar and checking for new updates.


read the AVC info! You should really concider getting your plugins ready for AVC. would help a lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Upgraded AVC minimalist:




this package depends on the Dynamic Language Interface (DLI) patch 0.0.6 RC4 or later!


it is an upgrade of the AVC minimalist mentioned the last post.


read the AVC info! You should really concider getting your plugins ready for AVC and DLI. would help a lot.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry Ric. Let me officially apologize for my text over there. I was totally upset when the hdd crashed. An then i found out, the filesystem had been partly corrupted by killing apache / mysql before (missed to check my hdd-health-logs), i couldn't hold on myself.


Of course you are right. Text changed. Sometimes + shit happens + tamper = my unfair comments.


Btw: it is always a little discouraging to support/code for a community which does not see the need of feedback. thats why i don't really see the point in hosting the UniServer "upgrades", but as said above, i will reup them anyways (gimme a few days to check their compatibility against the newest beta).


It really is a shame room 101

Not a professional attitude to take.

It undermines your academic ability and competence.


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Apology more than accepted you have gained my respect for doing so.

I fully understand the frustration regarding disk crashes.

Recently had a power outage, which along the way took a few files out.

This resulted in a continuous reboot sequence. Repaired most of the files however that left Zone alarm moaning about “missing a necessary root certificate”

Persuaded IE to reload this, not an obvious solution however worked.


Ya! Computers are frustrating. :rolleyes:


“Btw: it is always a little discouraging to support/code for a community which does not see the need of feedback.”


Again I understand, have a similar issue with open betas. I tend not to worry about it and plough on regardless. Lack of feedback does not mean its no being used, your users probably like and are using your alternative.


All the best

Ric :)

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