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AJAX programming support?


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I am learning AJAX at the moment and am using the Uniform Server as a test server. However the scripts don't seem to be wordking!?


When I upload to an online server the scripts do work, so nothing wrong with that.


Does Uniform Server support Ajax and if so, what could I be doing wrong.


Thanks :)


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Ajax is a global code... It does not require anything form the server. It is basically JavaScript + PHP so it should work... you must be doing something wrong.... Do you have a test script?

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Thanks for your reply.

I am learning Ajax, so it is the source code from a book. If I copy it from the uniform server as it is to my online server it does work!

So I don't think there is anything wrong with the code. But if you want the source code it might be best to find it at.


Although if you want I can also ad it to this forum.


You have tried XMLHttprequests from javascrip to a php script using Uniform server?


Thanks for listening.


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I tried the example from chapter2code.zip in both IE and Opera with no problems.


Try the following:


1) Delete everything in folder www with the exception of .htaccess

2) Copy all the uncompressed files for chapter two into www

3) Type the following into your browser address bar:




You will see a directory listing, click on link sample2_1.html and it will pop up a message “You are not using so and so browser”


Like Olajide mentioned “Ajax is a global code... It does not require anything form the server”


If you still have a problem are there any reported errors or what is displayed?


All the best

Ric :)

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Just want to let you know that I've also been doing some Ajax work with Uniform Server and I havn't experienced any problems.



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  • 1 year later...

General notes on debuging Ajax:


if the php url (the Ajax would use) works, your server related Ajax part is ok.

Call the php files that handle the Ajax call with params directly, to see if there are php parse errors.


the javascript part is browser related. test it in a MODERN browser as firefox 3, Opera 9/10, IE 8.


your js fetching might need a different url as the deployed version. (firefox and opera have nice error debugging for JS, use these to see if there are errors in paths)



im uniform server for developing, resarch and testing my comercial ajax stuff as well other stuff too...

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