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Hi i got 2 question about uniform the

1.- Apanel: when you write in internet explorer o firefox localhost/a automatic send you to localhost/apanel

how i can disable that?


the second one is are you gonna still working on uniform server and when is the next update and if the answer is no


how i can update all uniform server to the lastes mysl + apache + php i like a lot this uniform server


Bonues question heheehe how i can protec against sql injection beacuse last time i was using xampp and one guy take control of phpmyadmin and mysql databases that why am here with uniform server and i dont want this happend again

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1.- Apanel: when you write in internet explorer o firefox localhost/a automatic send you to localhost/apanel how i can disable that?


This does look odd especially when you run the command (yourdomain/a) while on-line from your local PC. It gives the impression that you are taken to apanel from outside. In reality your browser roots straight to local host ( External users will see forbidden for yourdomain/apanel/ and invalid for yourdomain/a, it’s not a security risk.


Check out this page for additional information: http://center.uniformserver.com/us_35/us35..._panel_con.html


Anyway to disable open file: httpd.conf

Located in folder: *\Uniform Server\udrive\usr\local\apache2\conf

Search for this line: Redirect permanent /a http://localhost/apanel/

Change it to: #Redirect permanent /a http://localhost/apanel/


Save and restart servers for changes to take place.


2) the second one is are you gonna still working on uniform server and when is the next update


As far as I know a new version is being worked on, as for a release date that clearly is in Olajide court.


3) how i can update all uniform server to the lastes mysl + apache + php i like a lot this uniform server


Unless you are happy with doing some serious hacking; best wait for the new release.


4) Bonues question heheehe how i can protec against sql injection beacuse last time i was using xampp and one guy take control of phpmyadmin and mysql databases that why am here with uniform server and i dont want this happend again


Do not put the control apanel on-line, that means do not change the .htaccess file in folder *\Uniform Server\udrive\home\admin\www it restricts phpmyadmin access to local host only. However if you must put apanel on line make sure you password protect it. See page in 1)


If it really is “sql injection” check on-line for correct way to write code to prevent this.


All the best

Ric :)

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