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Drive not mapping??


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Just downloaded the latest 3.5 version of Uniform Server as I want to use it to run a cmsmadesimple installation.


Having used Uniform Server many times before it's usually pretty straightforward... however on downloading the latest version and clicking Server_Start.bat it doesn't map the W: drive it tries to bring up the apanel but just says page cannot be found.


Any help would be appreiciated.




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I have seen this several times before and believe it to be a race condition. Depending what’s running on your machine apanel is requested before the servers are running.


If the server’s are not running the browsers cannot find the page wait a while and click refresh page. If that is not the problem try restarting your PC (Always best to start from a known working point) and try again.


Should that fail to remedy the problem take a look at the following page it may be of some help:




The following may also be of use! At the top of this page:



You will find this file project_uc_server_control_2.exe download and extract, it contains a test start-up script named uc_server_control_2.exe run this to start the servers. It contains some diagnostics that can be viewed when certain problems are encountered. I tried to resolve the race condition however occasionally I noticed even with this it still occurs. Ho well! :)


All the best

Ric :(

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