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access the uniforum "www" files from another pc


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Hi; I have uniform server in my other house. I don't know what to do to access my www folder? When i access other hosting they have their ftp address (with port!!), username and password. and i normaly use ftp browser like "core ftp or cute ftp" and i get access directly in toi ,main folder. so please someone help me how to set up connection from here to other home please. Please provide all the information in the proses like if i need to edit htaccess please tell me exactly what to write as i don't know what to do

many thanks


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For ftp access to Uniform Server you need to add the SlimFTP plugin.

Full details are given here:



I originally wrote it for 3.3 hence when reading the write-up replace the following as appropriate:

3.3 to 3.5-Apollo

folder “diskw” to folder “udrive”


The SlimFTP plugin is a self-contained FTP server and very easy to set-up.


All the best

Ric :)

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