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Is it possible to install Uniserver with IIS together?


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thanks. But if I intend to install the pure Mysql instead of using the build-in Mysql in Uniserver, would it be problem? How I set settings for it? Before choosing Uniserver, I had tried xampp but it can't connect to my own Mysql server and I don't know where's the problem lies on.

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There should be no problem with that.

Just make sure that you do not start MySQL when you start UniServer.

Your problem could lie with MySQL security. Have you tried using MySQL Administrator/Query to make sure you can query the server?

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If you install the main install of MySQL and you are trying to run Uniform Server, yes there will be a problem because of the LIBMYSQL.DLL file that will be created in the C:/System or System32 folder by the main install... We are working on fixing this problem also....

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