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Admin Panel - 3 Micro Problems and 1 Potential Solution


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For information - I am interested to see if anyone else has had a similar experience, and also to see if it is a W2K only problem.


These issues have been noted over the last 11 days of constant use.


Non Standard elements

I have added shortcuts from the desktop to Server.Start.bat and Stop.bat and UniServe is configured for AuthUser.


Issue 1 - Consistently occurs

Following the machine boot, the admin panel frequently does not load, instead you get "The page cannot be displayed". If you resubmit the page the Logon Dialog Panel appears and APanel loads OK.

On the second and subsequent UniServe start / stop cycles following OS reboot everything works fine.


Issue 2 - Occasionally occurs

The APanel sometimes loads in a full view port window and sometimes in a part window. My preference would be for it to always load with a full view port window.


Possible Solution

(1) Can some Java code be added to force the window to full view port display?

(2) Should a config file be added to give users the choice?


The following Java code snippit is what I use to expand to a full view port.



<script type="text/javascript">

function addLoadEvent(func)


var oldonload = window.onload;

if (typeof window.onload != 'function')


window.onload = func;




window.onload = function()


if (oldonload)

















See http://simonwilson.net/2004/May/26/addLoadEvent/



Issue 3 - Single occurrence

Using the short cut ran "UniServeStart" the favicon screen appeared and the blanked. The Admin Panel did not appear.

I tried again and got the following -



| UniServeStart |


|The disk w is busy. Use start.bat [disk letter] |

| |

|Press any key to continue . . . _ |



On checking the W drive already existed, hence the above message

Tried to stop US using the Stop.bat short cut, there were no error messages, but the W drive remained.


Resolved the problem by an OS ShutDown and Restart



I am aware that issues 1 & 3 may be restricted to the W2k operating system.





Future solutions have their roots in the past.



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I can confirm the following is not a W2K only problem:


Issue 1 - Consistently occurs

Following the machine boot, the admin panel frequently does not load, instead you get "The page cannot be displayed". If you resubmit the page the Logon Dialog Panel appears and APanel loads OK.

On the second and subsequent UniServe start / stop cycles following OS reboot everything works fine.


Sometime ago I sent a PM to Olajide and proposed this solution to Server_Start.bat for just that problem:


set apanel=\home\admin\www\

::start %apanel%\redirect.html


if "%3"=="console" goto :CONSOLE

start %programit%uniserv.exe "%apacheit%" "%closeit%"

start %apanel%\redirect.html

goto :END


Oops! The real problem, Apache, MySQL and Firefox (or some other browser) are started roughly at the same time (in computer terms) and the race begins. Whoever wins the race has the privilege of reporting errors. It’s been my experience Firefox.


It’s all an illusion, not a real problem; at the end of the day you click a button! Is that a real issue? :P


If it is an issue, you can always fix the race (no special powders involved) by adding /w to the batch file commands. A process will be started, waits until that ends and the next will be started, the result, it appears to run slower. :P


Don’t be conned by multi-core parallel processors, there is always a winner and looser. Hence no need to up-grade. :P


I am not sure if the other issues are W2K related; if you have a solution that works, use it. Just never used W2K, hence no real feedback, however your comments will be useful to others that do. :)


All the best

Ric :)

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What did you mean with the viewport problem.. Frames? It didnt load the frames right or what happened? Please explain more...


Viewports is reminding me of AutoCAD.. lol. :P

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What did you mean with the viewport problem.. Frames? It didnt load the frames right or what happened? Please explain more...


Viewports is reminding me of AutoCAD.. lol. :P




Viewport is a term used to define the available space on the screen, it is the total screen resolution less the space occupied by menubars, toolbars, scroll bars etc. It a term that I have used since the 70s, but when I searched the web the current definitions do not quite stack up with my usage of the term. :P So maybe I have to stop using it.


In any event I meant that area of the screen that is available for the browser to present data within such that it is 100% visable without scrolling the screen.


Hope that helps






Future solutions have their roots in the past.



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