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Out of environment space


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I have tried several times to run uniformserver, using Windows 98 an keep receiving the following error:


"The server is working on the disk w:\ [http/]

Out of environment space

Cannot find file '\redirect.html' (or one of its components).

Check to ensure the path and filename are correct and that all

required libraries are available.

Cannot find file 'uniserv.exe' (or one of its components). Check

to ensure the path and filename are correct and that all required

libraries are available."



I have searched the main website, user manual and forums and can not find a soultion that applies.


I have run uc_run_check and there are no conflicting files and the ports are ok.

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This has been covered in several posts, search for:

environment space


Try this first:


Edit the CONFIG.SYS file and add this line:



If the line exists try increasing the memory size:




All the best

Ric :D

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