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uniform server directory structure question


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i find myself confused about the phylosophies involved

in uniform server's directory structure and the scope

of its htpasswd and htaccess files. for example, why

are there 2 .htpasswd files? which w: directories are

restricted from the user? what differs in usage are there

between w:\home\admin\www~ and w:\www~, and

so on.


i'd like to ask if someone would spend a few minutes

explaining the why's and wherefores involved.


i think its quite a bit to ask, but i've not found such a

narrative elsewere, and i think it may be useful to other



i've included line numbered directory names for both

the uniform server residency directories and its w:

working directories thinking that that may be of some





alan madsen




1. \udrive\htpasswd\home\admin\www\.htpasswd

2. \udrive\htpasswd\www\.htpasswd

3. \udrive\home\admin\www\.htaccess




* Uniform Server resident directories



d:\... ~\udrive


01 udrive

02 udrive\home

03 udrive\home\admin

04 udrive\home\admin\www

05 udrive\home\admin\www\phpMyAdmin

06 udrive\home\admin\www\phpMyBackupPro

07 udrive\home\admin\www\images

08 udrive\home\admin\www\includes

09 udrive\home\admin\www\css

10 udrive\home\admin\www\cgi-bin

11 udrive\home\admin\www\js

12 udrive\home\admin\program


14 udrive\usr

15 udrive\usr\lib

16 udrive\usr\local

17 udrive\usr\local\apache2

18 udrive\usr\local\mysql

19 udrive\usr\local\php

20 udrive\usr\bin


22 udrive\www

23 udrive\www\images


25 udrive\docs


27 udrive\plugins

28 udrive\htpasswd

29 udrive\htpasswd\home

30 udrive\htpasswd\home\admin

31 udrive\htpasswd\home\admin\www

32 udrive\htpasswd\www


34 udrive\tmp


36 udrive\etc

37 udrive\etc\phpmyadmin


39 udrive\cgi-bin



* W: Directories with Uniform Server running




40 W:\

41 W:\home

42 W:\home\admin

43 W:\home\admin\www

44 W:\home\admin\www\phpMyAdmin

45 W:\home\admin\www\images

46 W:\home\admin\www\includes

47 W:\home\admin\www\css

48 W:\home\admin\www\cgi-bin

49 W:\home\admin\www\cgi-bin\includes

50 W:\home\admin\www\cgi-bin\includes\lang

51 W:\home\admin\www\cgi-bin\includes\lang\en

52 W:\home\admin\www\js

53 W:\home\admin\www\plugins

54 W:\home\admin\www\plugins\eaccelerator

55 W:\home\admin\www\plugins\pear

56 W:\home\admin\program


58 W:\usr

59 W:\usr\lib

60 W:\usr\lib\CGI

61 W:\usr\lib\CGI\eg

62 W:\usr\lib\CPAN

63 W:\usr\lib\File

64 W:\usr\lib\File\Spec

65 W:\usr\lib\Time

66 W:\usr\lib\Exporter

67 W:\usr\lib\Carp

68 W:\usr\lib\warnings

69 W:\usr\lib\auto


71 W:\usr\local

72 W:\usr\local\apache2

73 W:\usr\local\mysql

74 W:\usr\local\mysql\share

75 W:\usr\local\mysql\data

76 W:\usr\local\mysql\data\mysql

77 W:\usr\local\mysql\data\phpmyadmin

78 W:\usr\local\mysql\bin

79 W:\usr\local\php

80 W:\usr\local\php\extensions

81 W:\usr\local\php\logs


83 W:\usr\bin


85 W:\www

86 W:\www\images


88 W:\docs

89 W:\docs\SRC


91 W:\plugins

92 W:\plugins\Services

93 W:\plugins\Services\files


95 W:\htpasswd

96 W:\htpasswd\home

97 W:\htpasswd\home\admin

98 W:\htpasswd\home\admin\www

99 W:\htpasswd\www

100 W:\tmp

101 W:\tmp\eaccelerator

102 W:\etc

103 W:\etc\phpmyadmin

104 W:\cgi-bin

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Um! It all looks complicated let’s start with protection, htaccess files and passwords this will help in understanding some of the structure.


There are only three server areas that are protected.


1) Admin --- Apanel

2) Web root --- (www)

3) Passwords.


To understand the structure it’s best to start with passwords.


3) Passwords:


These are text files each file contains a name/password pair (note you can have more than a single name/password pair in these files). Password files are referenced from an authentication section within an htaccess file. An htaccess file is placed in a folder to be protected this file also protects any sub-folders. The authentication section has this format:


#AuthName "Uniform Server - Server Access"

#AuthType Basic

#AuthUserFile /htpasswd/www/.htpasswd

#Require valid-user


For Apache to find a password file you define it’s full path and file name for example /htpasswd/www/.htpasswd there is only one restriction, it must be a full path starting from Apahe’s root directory. The folder and file names can be anything you like!


Security: You can place your password files in any folder and that includes the web root (www) or any sub-folder, Apache imposes no restrictions. However the last place you want to place password files is in the web root (www) or any of its sub-folders. Remember this is a public area where files are severed from and that includes password files. Files are also severed from the cgi-bin folder hence not a good place to put the password files. All password files SHALL be located outside of the web root and cgi folders.


UniServer places all password files in the folder htpasswd, which conforms to the above. You will notice this folder contains sub-folders and not just a set of password files or even a single password file. It looks confusing until you understand it’s a map!


Look at the folder structure, if you ignore the main folder itself (\htpasswd) the paths directly map onto the server root

\htpasswd \htpasswd\home\admin\www

\htpasswd \htpasswd\www


(note each folder www contains a password file named .htpasswd)


Follow the root path \home\admin\www in this folder you will find an htaccess file it contains the following line:

#AuthUserFile /htpasswd/home/admin/www/.htpasswd

Likewise follow the root path \www

This leads to the htaccess file containing

#AuthUserFile /htpasswd/www/.htpasswd


To sum up:

a) The folder structure in htpasswd maps to htaccess files.

:D A password file is found only at the end of the folder chain in htpasswd.

c) All password files have an identical name.


1) Admin --- Apanel


A single htaccess file protects the folder home/admin/www and its sub-folders.

The default protection is for local access only however should you wish to access apanel from the Internet you can put this on line by commenting out the lines shown in the file. (Not recommended for a live server, use only for testing if required.)


If you do put admin online, enable authentication and remember to set a new user name and password.


2) Web root --- (www)

A single htaccess file protects the folder /www and its sub-folders.

The default protection is for local access only making it an ideal test server.


To put your servers online (production server) comment out the lines shown in the file.


If you want to restrict access online enable authentication and remember to set a new user name and password.


Note: 1) and 2) are independent.



If you have read 3) you may be wondering why the complexity, I would agree for protecting two areas with authentication it probably is. Consider the case where you have several virtual servers and protecting certain areas within these. Using the map structure makes it a whole lot easier to administer.


File naming and structure:

I could be wrong on this but if you think about it the main components Apache MySQL and PHP are ported from Unix. These dictate to some extent structure and naming.


The w: drive (40-105) in reality does not exits it is a mapping to the real folders (1-39) that said Apache thinks Apache’s root is w: (or any other drive letter you select at start-up)


The drive letter w: has been assigned to the folder udrive, if you create or delete folders or files on w: you are working on the contents of folder udrive wherever it is located on your hard drive or USB memory stick.


I am not sure if any of that makes sense trust its not made you even more confused.


All the best

Ric :D

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I am not sure if any of that makes sense trust its not made you even more confused.


All the best

Ric :D


Thank you Ric. Lots of stuff to mull on there, and I will. I've 3+ decades in the IBM and Windows worlds, and while that helps me quite a bit in 'tools to approach with', it helps not at all in the details of structure and its practices such as you've here addressed.


Certain that the more I know/learn about Unix, the more I'll see in them, I am going to put your notes into my notebook for regular review.


Best regards,



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Check the STRUCTURE.txt in the doc folder....


Hello Olajide,


Thank you for your reply. I have, for a short time, been quite busy in preparation for entery into the Unix world so I've not seen as widely or as deeply as I will, but I did look at STRUCTURE.txt and gained from it what I could. Naturally that led to other questions, such as why are these directories named "www"? Certainly there is a reason, but what?







Also, why is w:\home noted as "Users home page."? Who is the 'user'? Apache? The sysadmin?

Someone or something else?


Also (and this seems particular to the Uniform Server), why does W: exist at all when, except for 'tmp', it seems to be a substituted alias for ~\udrive ?


Alas, I think I'm going to be asking a lot of dumb questions.


Looking on the bright side, I know that well-asked, I'd be dumber not to ask.





Best regards,



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Are you doing a research, report or soemthing? lol.






No, i want to build a website. I could probably do that easire and faster with an approach that dos not involve technical detail, but I am drawn to this approach and i am willing to take it, at least for now.


My thought is that having a basic functional familiarity with Linux, Apache, MySql, and HTML (along with a bit of Java Script and PHP), I will be free to focus on website content while at the same time being able to cope with technical issues, at least to some degree.


LAMP packages are a natural for this approach, and Uniform Server was the first I encountered.


So, here I am. Ready, willing, and able to ask dumb questions.



Best regards,

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lol, i see... well the server is kind of modeled like a linux server so you would be familiar with it when you are uploading to a live server online, if you chose or to use Uniform Server as a production server.

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lol, i see... well the server is kind of modeled like a linux server so you would be familiar with it when you are uploading to a live server online, if you chose or to use Uniform Server as a production server.



I hadn't really considered using Uniform Server for production, but that might happen.


Anyhow, on with the studying.


Again, thank you both.



Best regards,

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