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Files not found in include path


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Uniform Server 3.5-Apollo, Windows XP SP2


I have installed pear along with the MDB2 package.


I have a script located in w:\www that makes the call " include_once 'MDB2.php'; ".


When the script is run, I get the following error


Warning: include_once(MDB2.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in W:\www\index.php on line 43

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening 'MDB2.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;/usr/local/PHP/includes;/usr/local/PHP/pear;/home/admin/www/plugins/pear/PEAR:W:\www') in W:\www\index.php on line 43

Fatal error: Class 'MDB2' not found in W:\www\index.php on line 44


I have checked MDB2.php and it is definitely located in the correct location (W:\home\admin\www\plugins\pear\PEAR\MDB2.php)


Any ideas on how I can fix this?




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You may find this interesting! Start the Pear Front-end




In the left menu click on Package Management, this lists all packages installed!

I will assume MDB2 is not listed.


You need to manually download all packages you need to use:


1. Click on Package Search

2. In Package name enter MDB2 (after a relatively long time a list will be displayed)

3. Find pear.php.net MDB2 and click on the green plus image.

4. That’s it the package will be installed.


Now click on Package Management and it will be listed.


A new folder “pear” is created in the php folder and the package is placed in this.

This is where PHP looks hence your script will now work.


Check that you have this folder: *\Uniform Server\udrive\usr\local\php\pear


The one in W:\home\admin\www\plugins\pear\PEAR\MDB2.php you should ignore.


I do admit this is a pain, however manually downloading each package at least you can check that you have the latest. Using Package Management you can see what dependencies were also loaded.


It’s a problem at the Pear end hence the need to use this workaround until it is resolved.


Details: http://center.uniformserver.com/us_35/us35...stall_pear.html


All the best

Ric :D

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