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Error in hosts file: localhost:80 does not exist


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When i start up uniform server i get this error


Error in hosts file: localhost:80 does not exist


what im trying to do is set up a phproxy server now when i goto http://localhost/ its working ok so its working internally but i set up a no-ip with dyndns and im having trouble when i try the link i get


The following error was encountered:


* Read Timeout


now i am guessing it has something to do with the localhost:80 does not exist


any ideas what i need to do?



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Error in hosts file: localhost:80 does not exist

I assume you saw this when using admin panel (Admin Virtual Host) if so ignore it see:



when i goto http://localhost/ its working ok

The really does mean your servers are working.


* Read Timeout

That suggests you have not put your servers on line!

Open .htacces and comment out the lines as shown:


# This file provides security to the server limiting access to the localhost only.

# Comment to deactivate.

#Order Deny,Allow

#Deny from all

#Allow from




Use this site http://www.dnsstuff.com/ your IP address is displayed top right or use http://whatsmyip.org/

Type the IP address into a browser window for example check your server.


Now you can test your domain that you set up at no-ip


All the best

Ric :)

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Thanks for the reply ok so when you said enter the following


# This file provides security to the server limiting access to the localhost only.

# Comment to deactivate.

#Order Deny,Allow

#Deny from all

#Allow from


see that i.p address do i keep that or change it to what my i.p is?

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Are perhaps I did not make myself clear. To comment-out a line you add a # (sharp) at the beginning Apache ignores all lines that start with a #. Its as if you have deleted that line, if you want Apache to see that line again just remove the # its just a quick method to change the config file.


Looking at those lines in detail:

Order Deny,Allow --- Informs Apache to look for a line that starts with Deny and execute the commands

that follow. It is then to look for a line that starts with Allow and execute the

instruction that follow.

Deny from all --- This informs Apache who is allowed to access the server.

Without the next line every one is denied access.

Allow from --- This informs Apache who is allowed access, in this case we are very specific

anyone on port this is the address of the local loop back machine.


Now to answer your question:


If your service provider gives you a fixed IP address (they charge you extra for this) for example say

Then you could use this set-up:

Order Deny,Allow

Deny from all

Allow from


However because you are using no-ip means your service provider is using dynamic IP address allocation. Hence every time you re-connect to your provider the IP address will be different. You could ask your provider for a list of IP addresses that they allocate and allow each of these, so if you feel like adding 10,000 or more IP addresses that would work.


The quick answer to your question is no you don’t need to use your IP address.

Hence the reason to comment out the lines as shown:

#Order Deny,Allow

#Deny from all

#Allow from


Apache listens on port 80 and will allow any IP address access.

All the best

Ric :)

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Im getting this error when trying to connect to my webpage


error 110 Connection timed out


everything else seems ok port 80 is open aswell



OK try this:

Go to http://whatsmyip.org/ and pick up your IP address

Type this IP address into your browser for example http://22.111.333.444


Do you still get the time out message?


All the best

Ric :)

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You did not state what router you are using, some routers do not handle the loopback connections properly.


What you need is a method to check externally, you have two options to do this:


1) Get a friend who is not on your network to type the IP address you found using http://whatsmyip.org/ as in the previous post.


2) Use a third party to automatically check your website from outside of your network. This is probably the quickest:

Go to:


Towards the bottom of the page you will find:

Translate a web page:



Type your IP address in the text box provided; there is no need to select a translation language.

Just click the Translate button.


In either case you have a serious security problem if it brings up your router's web-server/config utility page. In that situation you need to disable the external management of the router.

(Note: Access to the routers config page should only be via a local address such as


You say

everything else seems ok port 80 is open aswell
I assume you mean you have forward port 80 to your local machine’s address for example if it is then port 80 should point to that address.


Hope that helps to locate the problem area

All the best

Ric :)

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