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Unable to connect to MySQL

Carlos Garcés

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I'm using UniServer 3.5 with IIS in the same machine.

I changed the port to :8080 and web server works, but I can't acces to MySQL database (Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES))

I'm using the standar instalation, only change the lisening port, same configuration in other maquines without IIS works ok.


Any idea?


Un saludo

Carlos Garcés

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If you are using the standard installation and not the Uniform Server one then you will need to go to the MySQL website: www.mysql.com


Or at least list what you did? Did you try password root?

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If you are using the standard installation and not the Uniform Server one then you will need to go to the MySQL website: www.mysql.com


Or at least list what you did? Did you try password root?


I use the standard installation, but any operation related with MySQL not work (like phpMyAdmin). The password is root, but not work. Only fails in the computer that have IIS, but Apache works OK using port 8080


I don't know what it's the problem...


Un saludo

Carlos Garcés

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The error message: (Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES))

Seems to me is only part of the full error message displayed! Did it point to a file or was there an error number.


To be denied access means the MySQL server is running the default user is “root” and access was attempted by “root” (as seen in the error message) hence looks OK. This indicates the password is incorrect, open the file:


*\Uniform Server\udrive\home\admin\www\mysql_password and check the password is “root” (without the quotes).


If the password is correct, post the full error message.

All the best

Ric :)

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That’s excellent news; normally a previously installed version of MySQL prevents the servers starting. However in this case looks as if your original MySQL started before UniServer this was being picked up by phpMyAdmin hence the connection and access denied.


All the best

Ric :)

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