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Error while running in different drive


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I am using uniserver under production and have the following query.


1. I am running win2003 under hp proliant server and intend to use joomla for cms. This is an intranet solution and the application will be used by the internal users only. I am planning to run uniserver under another drive (say e: since c: has very less space-80gb and do not want to disturb c as well) and would like to know your suggestions and advise.


2. After installing the uniserver at e: the server was running and i took care of all the unsecure elements and then stopped the server. After starting again it gave me a warning (Warning: gethostbyaddr() [function.gethostbyaddr]: Address is not in a.b.c.d form in W:\home\admin\www\includes\config.inc.php on line 18) and i am unable to see the admin screen. But the servers (apache and mysql) are running and i am able to view the joomla site. What should i do to resolve this warning/error?


3. I did change the bat file as suggested in someother topic (like %¬DPO) but no results.


Thank you for your time.



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You can run Uniform Server from any place you want. Any drive you want and even from your Camera's Memory Stick :D


When you run Uniform Server, it creates a virtual SUBST drive called W and uses that as the Uniform Server Drive. You can also change the letter of the drive by using the unicontroller.exe to strt the servr or the vbs file :angry:


About the error you where getting, did you change anything? If you did, undo whatever changes you might have done... Or better yet, start over with a new clean download. Thats the best option.


Go to udrive\home\admin\www\includes\config.inc.php and look for:


$hname = gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR);


//$hname = gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR);


Try it now, it should work without that error... I even think that is already commented... so i dont know why you getting that error unless you uncomment it yourself.


If that does not fix that error, it could be because of our new secure.php file that is still in BETA mode. To turn that one off, turn the $unisecure to 0.


Let me know what happens... :(

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Bravo..i took your advise and effected the change in config.inc.php and secure.php. The admin site is up and running.


The $hname was uncommented (i did not uncomment manually) and as suggested i commented the same.


The secure.php changed to '0'


Thank you so much.




You can run Uniform Server from any place you want. Any drive you want and even from your Camera's Memory Stick :D


When you run Uniform Server, it creates a virtual SUBST drive called W and uses that as the Uniform Server Drive. You can also change the letter of the drive by using the unicontroller.exe to strt the servr or the vbs file :D


About the error you where getting, did you change anything? If you did, undo whatever changes you might have done... Or better yet, start over with a new clean download. Thats the best option.


Go to udrive\home\admin\www\includes\config.inc.php and look for:


$hname = gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR);


//$hname = gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR);


Try it now, it should work without that error... I even think that is already commented... so i dont know why you getting that error unless you uncomment it yourself.


If that does not fix that error, it could be because of our new secure.php file that is still in BETA mode. To turn that one off, turn the $unisecure to 0.


Let me know what happens... :)

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