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Email Error


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My problem....

Number one is that I am very new at this! I've set up a database where users sign up for a membership. Once signed up they are allowed to create a page to post a listing or ad. Before the ad is posted I must aprove it. SO, once they post the ad I am suppose to receive an email. The emails do not work.


What should I do? The advertising program I am using was free. I am asking them aswell, on how to get this to work.


Any suggestions would be great!


Here is the error...

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in W:\www\myDomain\include\misc.inc.php on line 435


Thank you people. Would phpMailer solve this problem?

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You need a SMTP server. I recommend, hMailServer over at http://hmailserver.com


When installing it, make sure that you do not install a new MySQL Server. Use the MySQL server that comes with the Uniform Server. Just start the server and enter the needed configs... :D

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Thank you very much. I will try that!


You need a SMTP server. I recommend, hMailServer over at http://hmailserver.com


When installing it, make sure that you do not install a new MySQL Server. Use the MySQL server that comes with the Uniform Server. Just start the server and enter the needed configs... :D


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