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CSS help


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I hate IE I hate how it never works with IE on my first attempt. I have been working on a new site, everything is beginning to work out so I have begun to style it slowly, and things look fine until you try to view it on IE. Any tips on how to get it to work with IE without having to re-style it?

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I use KISS keep it simple and stupid so it works in IE first.


When another version of IE pops up its always a “kiss” of death.


I would recommend never ever use Firefox or Opera they are too standard compliant and just make life far to easy. :(


No stick with IE they have introduced another new instruction with the release for IE7 making your life that little easier. I find these two-instructions works fine:


<!--[if IE 6]>Special instructions for IE 6 here

<!--[if IE 7]>Special instructions for IE 7 here


They give you the ability to target CSS directly for a particular version using conditional comments.


Need more info follow this link?



Seriously you have to live with these non-standard compliant browsers so bite the bullet and except the need to re-style part of your CSS. Try to avoid any hacks in your main CSS use the “if selector comments” to target the problem areas. :rolleyes:


The one thing I could not find in either Firefox or Opera was an equivalent “if selector comment” :)


I honestly do dread firing up IE to check any code be it CSS or JavaScript. :lol:

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At least someone agrees with me here. But this is what I don't get. I took a copy of a friend's CSS coz it looked cool, and altered to try something, that was just the positioning of one of the elements, suddenly on IE it went from being centered to everything positioning to the left??? Do you have any idea why this would be the case?

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lol, Tucker, you didn't post the link and i already deletd the msg. :rolleyes: I also hate this kind of problem... Getting things to work in multi-browsers.. lol. But, you know it might just be a simple piece of mistake or something that you are missing... Repost the link again.

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man that sucks the reply i posted never posted, anyway here is the link, what i wrote is that i havent updated the site it has alot of css info that some arent correct any longer. which i iwll be updating within the next 24-48 hours

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