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  1. Hi. I have set up all the files for the uniform server in a folder at Google Drive. Then I have made a local directory at: C:\websites\amlocalThe amlocal folder is a symbolic link to the Google Drive folder. It all works well and have some great advantages. All my local files are backed up in the cloud. I can access the same uniform server installation on more than one PC just by installing Google Drive and creating a symbolic link to the Google Drive folder with all the Uniform Server files.It works very well on the PC where I initially made the setup. But here is the issue. When I mirror the setup on a different PC things do not work as expected. I can run the the Uni Controller on both PCs and start Apache and MySQL. But on the second PC I get the following error When I try to access localhost in my browser I get a blank page.Any idea why? Since the files are exactly the same on both machines I am unsure where to start. Even the local path (the symlink) are identical on both machines: PC 1: C:\websites\amlocalPC 2: C:\websites\amlocal All suggestions and feedback are appreciated.
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