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Found 5 results

  1. The MySQL server keeps crashing every time I perform some operations such as changing the collation of tables in phpMyAdmin. I get the error message "#2006 - MySQL server has gone away". The solution is to stop and restart the server, but this should not be happening. Please fix this issue.
  2. I'm having issues trying to connect to MySQL using phpMyAdmin, this is the error: I search on google and i can't find the files than requeired to be modify according to the answers there writed. i also, have this other problem too: http://superuser.com/questions/1049057/failed-to-change-password-to-mysql-uniform-server i must say than, i try to fix that other problem changing versions, but it just continue to happend, i think both problems are connected, but i don't know exactly how, and i don't know how to fix them either. Any help, comment, request for clarification and/or suggestion than improve the question would be much apreciated too. Thanks in advance
  3. Version 13.1 now, and this error without giving a solution. And no one here utters. http://forum.uniformserver.com/index.php?showtopic=3185 http://forum.uniformserver.com/index.php?showtopic=3197 http://forum.uniformserver.com/index.php?showtopic=3188 Project managers would be so kind to give us a solution. Thank you!
  4. Hello, I am writing because I would like them to add the Spanish language in phpMyAdmin.
  5. Using UniServer Zero 10.0.1, and in \UniServerZ\home\us_phpmyadmin\config.inc.php is the following :- $cfg['UploadDir'] = "$root\\etc\\phpmyadmin"; // Directory for uploaded files $cfg['SaveDir'] = "$root\\etc\\phpmyadmin"; // Directory where phpMyAdmin can save exported data $cfg['docSQLDir'] = "$root\\etc"; // Directory for docSQL imports, From memory that is the correct paths for normal Uniform Server, but is incorrect for the Zero version and should probably be :- $cfg['UploadDir'] = "$root\\home\\us_phpmyadmin"; // Directory for uploaded files $cfg['SaveDir'] = "$root\\home\\us_phpmyadmin"; // Directory where phpMyAdmin can save exported data $cfg['docSQLDir'] = "$root\\home"; // Directory for docSQL imports,
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