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Found 3 results

  1. I'm having issues trying to connect to MySQL using phpMyAdmin, this is the error: I search on google and i can't find the files than requeired to be modify according to the answers there writed. i also, have this other problem too: http://superuser.com/questions/1049057/failed-to-change-password-to-mysql-uniform-server i must say than, i try to fix that other problem changing versions, but it just continue to happend, i think both problems are connected, but i don't know exactly how, and i don't know how to fix them either. Any help, comment, request for clarification and/or suggestion than improve the question would be much apreciated too. Thanks in advance
  2. Good Day I used a program than allows me to sync all the www folder without the need of move it UniformZ to another folder, and it works charmly, i wonder... Is it possible to sync a folder to make the database all at once sync too?, what file(s)/folder will be needed to make this sync all just fine? or there is another way to do it? Thanks in advance -Obsdark-
  3. Gentlemen, ladies; How do I get Innodb to work? #skip-innodb has no effect. Is it possible that this version of mysql was compiled without innodb support? To replicate the issue: 1. start myqsl console 2. type myqsl -uroot -proot 3. then on the mysql prompt, type show variable like 'have_innodb'; [EDIT] Sorry guys, its not a problem with Uniform Server 8.8.2. It turns out that the following two settings in the MySQL my.ini file automatically disables innoDB: 1. innodb_log_file_size with a value greater than 5M, and 2. innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT
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