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  1. Hello everybody, I am looking for a software to turn a PC - desktop almoust NEW/UNused but older: H.P.-Compaq Dual Core2 Duo - 2x2.6Ghz, 500 GB + 640 GB hard drive *or* 640 GB + 640 GB hard drive, 5 GB Ram, ATI Radeon 256 MB into a server. Q1: - Hardware specs. sufficient??? The main reason is because it has OEM Licensed (Sticker) Original Windows XP Profesional and OEM upgraded to SP3. It was fresh installed with drivers month ago... Besides Windows XP Prof. SP3 is a very stable and good O.S. at least by my opinion - probably the reason why NATO (the Army) is implementing it these days... I am as mentioned looking for a software to turn it into Server (will get Static IP from Internet provider) and will probably (95-99%) run a Wordpress web site with plugins! It should be less ocupied by users in first 6 months, 1 year but later also it could have many users (maybe 500-1000 browsing at once... ). Q2: - Will it suffice for the mentioned traffic – no games, demanding videos etc. ... it will run text + grafic material (pictures (maybe like size for 1 picture 50-100 kb and some pdf's in size like 1-2 MB for 1 PDF...) that is what it concerns high MB... ??? Q3: - Could you please help me out in choosing best version of UniForm Server that runs without any problems on this O.S. (Windows XP Prof. SP3 + Wordpress)? Q3.1: - And yes also which additions »Plugins etc.« of Uniform Server (if they are needed to install so it will run flawlessly on this O.S. (Windows XP Prof. SP3 + Wordpress) version I must choose and install so it will work without problems??? Q4: - Do not wanna go into direction of buying expensive (I do not even have the funds...) Windows Server Standard 2012 for this, maybe it would not even function any better??? Help much appreciated... Thank you in advance! ***** W16
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