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The Uniform Server Community

Lee Davis

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About Lee Davis

  • Birthday 04/14/1968

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  • Main OS
    Windows 10

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  • Location
    Montreal, QC, Canada
  • Interests
    E-product, Web Development, and Content Generation

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  1. SO glad I bothered to help myself out. HOW MANY WEEKS AGO WAS THIS BROUGHT UP? Thass fine; as soon as development on latest project is done, all is dead 4 me here...
  2. OK! 12_4_2_ZeroXII is our rig of choice! Got it to fire up and have attached screenshot of it on machine, ready-to-go! Outside of this for 32-bit machines: not bloody likely 🤣😂😅🙄🤔🤦‍♂️
  3. Did that very thing and, still, NO LOVE on the Win 10 32-Bit machine - not happy...
  4. CURIOUSLY, I tried several backwards versions of the server down to 13.0 and NOTHING worked. I have a feeling it may be my new, 2TB Seagate not playing nice. Another thing I found was that there is a 13.X.X version that only has MariaDB and was ready to start up - going downward until I get a working version with MySQL db operations.
  5. Thought I'd upload to the latest version of US and, it fails miserably on my machine; leaving the annoying message pictured in the screenshot. Took minotaur's advice from their thread - but there is still no joy, so I'll have to go backwards, but I don't remember which version I had on previously, so I feel I'm a little screwed. Don't have time or inclination to navigate to another server program. HELP?!?!?!?!?!?
  6. Code...Content...CASH...

  7. My STILL Belongs 2 UniformServer...2019

  8. As it turns out...Google IS your friend in this case (lol!). Using the query "curlopt_cainfo option. Uniform Server", I was able to find a clue to my cURL dilemma, as well as anticipate for when I need access to the SSL extension for soon-to-come development. I've changed both the dev and production PHP ini files as I'm not sure which one is the default (posited the dev version, since I'm not using my box as an IIS platform). https://sorastation.com/tmp/JoomlaPC33/core/php54/php_production.ini - jarred loose confusion for me. Just seeing it laid out in front of me, led me to resolve this logjam myself, HTHSO.
  9. Is there some set of instructions which CLEARLY state how to activate that can be found ANYWHERE? It's probly me, but I've read every question where there was difficulty with enabling the module, and that stock answer about downloading from PHP.net the same module of PHP as the Uniform Server is about as useful to me as breasts on a man. Can I get a clearcut pointer to some current information? PLEASE?!?!?!?!?
  10. Unholy Crap, CodeIgniter's biting me!

  11. Winning and Grinning

  12. Just whipping it into a frenzy (lol!) - getting ready for Black Friday!
  13. Oh, sorry, I guess I SHOULD say that I'm not a new member of the forum. I think the board went a little wonky lately, as I've been having problems with posting images and links. My former nom de plume, HomeOffice, is now a scratched-up incarnation, and I'm just getting on and contributing to the community. Please consider a gift to Uniform Server in the next 5-7 days?
  14. As I'm thankful to be approaching the completion of some major goals with the assistance of the Uniform Server, I did something I rarely do these days. I actually had the presence of mind to make a charitable contribution towards the development and upkeep of the project as I've decided to settle on it as my local machine server of choice. I understand that there is an expenditure of time, effort, and monetization to keep everything moving forward. I really don't know how Olajide and Ric manage to provide a world-class, commercial-grade, enterprise-ready level application at an Open-Source price, but I knew I had to at least kick in a little to the kitty just to show my overall appreciation for their work. Something that's not that common but should be all the more. And, you know what? It made me feel GREAT! To know that I'm doing my part to keep a valuable resource online. As well, I was inspired enough to knock out a piece of content devoted to Uniform Server on Bubble.ws in a bid to raise the public profile of the application in general. In fact, it something that I'm always recommending around to other developer friends on and offline as a standard among applications of its' type. As I'm neither an employee of or affiliate for Uniform Server, I'm just here to do some public arm-twisting ( ). In fact, it'd be boss to see people pony up in the next 5-7 days. Remember how lucky we are to have such a stellar piece of programming, and it deserves all the love, word-of-mouth, and market adoption it can get. Both now, and in the year(s) to come. To once again put my money with my mouthy, I'd like to offer to everyone who does donate and either posts to this thread or PMs me about it; 1) A package of article publishing templates, 2) A package of article content in different formats, 3) A package of content-related software, AND 4) A URL list of $0.00 resources that you may not have/heard about Please be advised that this offer only has a shelf-life of the next 5-7 days, with all the offered items coming offline as they're being exploited for a real-time (snail) mail-order project. Also, give me a bit of time to reply to your public/private post. Even though I'll be auto-notified of responses, and checking repeatedly daily, I still have a few things to be done in connection with this offer. For a good cause, I want to make sure Olajide and Ric KNOW that they just aren't wasting their talents on a bunch of unappreciative, swinish mongrels with a monster-sized case of serial entitlement. Do what you can, but all who do will be rewarded. Thanks for reading this, all!
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