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    Santiago Chile
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    Retiring, computer systems, system design, model railroads....

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  1. Thanks Ric! It's good to know that the upcoming Windows may actually reduce potential problems with The Uniform Server. BobS
  2. Two things: First and foremost, tell us what version of The Uniform Server you are using. What version of Windows would be helpful, also. Second, when you say "configuring" it to run at startup, do you mean that you set it to start it as a service (which is the right way)? The batch files were a workaround for making the programs run as a service. Regards, BobS
  3. This is a typical conundrum, and it has no connection with The Uniform Server, but is a function of your router and local network. Any other WAMP would have the same problem. The router acts as a fence, and all your own access comes from within. It doesn't go through the NAT translation, which is normally applied to all external traffic. I have tested my sites by setting up an external connection, using a mobile broadband connection, or by accessing it from work using a remote connection (if that's possible in your case). These connections go through the router's WAN connection and thus through the NAT translation and routing to your WAMP. Regards, BobS
  4. My best advice would be to use the Apache Vhosts panel, which you access through Server Configuration > Apache > Apache Vhosts. You should read the detailed instructions in the documentation. By following this, you can create a vhost that actually works. Regards, BobS
  5. Unfortunately, I have to agree with you on this point. The problem is that that approach ("automated update") needs to take into account many, many possible changes to the configurations, as well as the security situation. If we had the income and number of developers that WordPress has (or even 1%), it would be possible to do this. I guess that's part of the impetus behind Series Zero, which is a "put-the-pieces-together" approach. It still doesn't auto-update, but I think we're headed in that direction. At least that's my impression. Still, the best way to update right now is to install the new version, port your apps over, change the config variables to match your old installation, and then test. Regards. BobS
  6. BobS

    Wrong start?

    Did you check the runtime library version on your machine? Also, what version of The Uniform Server are you running? Regards, BobS
  7. Glad to see that you found the fix. When a software package works properly on one system and not on another, it's most likely due to a "helper" package, like these redistributable libraries. However, finding and fixing the situation can be very tricky. Regards, BobS
  8. Check out the alt_diag subdirectory. That contains all the batch files you need, plus instructions about using them. Regards, BobS
  9. It looks like these new versions need to be put into the next release of Steel-9 Beta. But I suppose you realize this... Regards, BobS
  10. I guess when the server status says no Internet access, it's correct BTW, the firewall sets a hole only on a per-program basis, so WAMPserver's Apache .exe is DIFFERENT from The Uniform Server's. Regards, BobS
  11. You know, of course, that The Uniform Server stack is totally separate from FTP. In fact, the whole Filezilla server can be installed separately. This is a real good way to test the operation on your system. Go to their site for more info. You can also search for "filezilla server setup" and look at some of the thousands of tutorials. Since you don't mention what version of The Uniform Server you're using I can't say even if the plugin will work properly with that version. Regards, BobS You know, of course, that The Uniform Server stack is totally separate from FTP. In fact, the whole Filezilla server can be installed separately. This is a real good way to test the operation on your system. Go to their site for more info. You can also search for "filezilla server setup" and look at some of the thousands of tutorials. Since you don't mention what version of The Uniform Server you're using I can't say even if the plugin will work properly with that version. Regards, BobS
  12. The problem is that the Windows machine's host name isn't in the DNS lookup for the other devices. Let's say your Windows machine is "target". You would address it as http://target/index.html. You may find that some systems balk at this and want a TLD (like .com). I would use target.lan (make up your own TLD). Whatever choice you make, this name isn't registered in any external DNS, but only in your router's DNS table, if at all. There are two solutions. One is to add the name-address pair to all the devices' hosts file (a real pain to maintain), or to add your router to the DNS lookup server list. I suggest you do some study on this latter approach which may be specific to your router. In any case, this is not resolvable from within The Uniform Server. Regards, BobS
  13. FYI, this is most likely because mshta.exe, the program that interprets the HTML code for Unicontroller, doesn't shut down properly. I found that this may happen if you rush the menus by trying to stop them early. Since it's not easily repeatable, I can't say for sure. What I do if Unicontroller will not restart is to fire up the task manager and kill of the mshta.exe that's still running. It's one of the reasons that Ric is moving to a totally new control program for Steel-9, the next major upgrade. Hope this works in your case. Regards, BobS
  14. This is too easy, and has no connection with The Uniform Server' s operation. If you do a nslookup on xamps.com, you'll see that it comes back with, the loopback address. So anytime you use xamps.com, DNS returns, which is your localhost address. Looks like someone put the wrong MX record in for xamps.com. Their site is permanently localized. Regards, BobS
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