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  1. Can you please add me into SourceForge. I have completely updated All the Uniform Server Modules in UniformServer Zero XIV and would like push a release. Or if you can help me out with posting it there, would be great. For some reason not able to send you a personal message.

    1. sudeepjd


      My sourceforge ID is sudeepjd

  2. It's not a problem, it's intended for this. In the default configuration, apache allow access only from localhost (
  3. Uniform Server 13.4.1 released with OpenSSL 1.1.1c, PHP 7.2 and 7.3 also updated to the latest. Let me know.
  4. Thanks for your reply, I will check this solution and will Update Uniserver to version 13.4.1.
  5. All PHP Versions before 5.6 are not available in newer Unicontroller Version. If you need older PHP versions, download an OLD Unicontroller version.
  6. Have you seen this? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16424117/php-unable-to-load-php-curl-dll-extension
  7. Hello, I've tested here with Windows 10 with no problem. Maybe you use display zoom or different Font in Windows Theme. Unicontroller Window is static, not resizable, we will improve the window in the future. For now, after set default Windows template style and if you still have problem with the Unicontroller window, I can try to make the Unicontroller windows a little bit larger.
  8. Uniform Server 13.4.0-ZeroXIII Released: Changes in this release: PHP 7.0.15 - Updated ZeroXIII_php_7_0_15_j.exe to ZeroXIII_php_7_0_33_j.exe PHP 7.1.1 - Updated ZeroXIII_php_7_1_1_j.exe to ZeroXIII_php_7_1_31_s.exe PHP 7.2 - Updated PHP 7.2 to latest 7.2.21 PHP 7.3 - Added PHP 7.3.8 PHP 7.4 - Added ZeroXIII_php_7_4_0_g.exe phpMyAdmin - Updated phpmyadmin to latest Downloads: Uniform Server 13.4.0-ZeroXIII Uniform Server ZeroXIII modules Documentation: Online ZeroXIII documentation ZeroXII_documentation_1_0_0 Regards, The Uniform Server Development Team
  9. Hello everyone, I have made an unofficial updated version of Uniform Server named 13.4.1. I have updated all WAMP stack (apache2, php 7.2.0, php 7.1.15, mysql 5.7.20-community, phpmyadmin 4.7.7). If anyone interested in, here is the download link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/uniform-server/files/Uniform%20Server%20ZeroXIII/
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