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SOLVED. Access denied, connection error, port 3306 and other similar access issues


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These errors are probably due to the fact that UniController was not closed properly before exiting the program and MySQL left behind some fail-safe "trackers" that should recover the status of MySQL when a new connection is established but this does not work in a WAMP environment.

Before switch off Apache and MySQL from UniController, then close UniController.exe

The solution is to delete in


the files (make a backup copy of the files before deleting them)


As this issue happend to me very very frequently despite carefully closing UniController interface I wrote a simple .BAT file that does the job. Copy/paste the following code into a file such as repair.bat and save it in the same folder of UniController.exe:

cd core/mysql/data

IF EXIST _auto.cnf (
    DEL _auto.cnf
    REN auto.cnf _auto.cnf
) ELSE (
    REN auto.cnf _auto.cnf

IF EXIST _ib_logfile0 (
    DEL _ib_logfile0
    ren ib_logfile0 _ib_logfile0
) ELSE (
    ren ib_logfile0 _ib_logfile0

IF EXIST _ib_logfile1 (
    DEL _ib_logfile1
    ren ib_logfile1 _ib_logfile1
) ELSE (
    ren ib_logfile1 _ib_logfile1

IF EXIST _mysql.err (
    DEL _mysql.err
    ren mysql.err _mysql.err
) ELSE (
    ren mysql.err _mysql.err

When the access issues happens, close and exit UniController.exe, run the BAT file, then run UniController.exe, switch on Apache and MySql, then click PhpMyAdmin!

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