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Uniserver Can not load swf file


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Hey Rex not sure myself but I'd like to know how to get an html page as an object from the server myself. The page shows up when I write it to the innerHTML of a div on my index page as an object but the script built into the page causes IE8 to warn and refresh the index page sending you back to the original content or just not running the script for that page at all. Calling object might mean that the object has to be registered on the server so that it has a classID and I can't find out how to do the server registration of objects. Would be nice if the UniServer team could cherp in? Either that or I have to revert to a Ajax call to a PHP page of the HTTML page I want to load in my div which throws out the whole beauty of the object tag. My guess is that the object has to be registered on the server to allow it to run it's scripts? :)

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How does an installed browser on Windows have anything to do with UniServer? If you have the Flash plugin, you should be able to play Flash.



I run my uniserver on VPS, and access from my laptop, I can not load flash file in my browser.



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This really isn't a UniServer-related problem. The flash is executed on your client system, not the server. I have a site on UniServer 7-Orion that serves Flash just fine, so I would suggest that your problem has MUCH more to do with file locations for your Flash code, or perhaps VPS firewall settings. There really is very little info to conclude otherwise.




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boBs Flash files generaly have a relative link to the server of the flash player company set as a param in the object along with CLASID: and base directories or file paths etc. which allow the flash to run without refreshing the page or issuing a warning/promt to run the Activ-X object depending on your browser advanced settings.

If I use html Object tag to get an HTML page from UniServer to replace the content of a div it is still a form of http request that avoids the use of a bloated Ajax file to make that request.


var contact=document.getElementById('contact');
var f1=document.getElementById('f1');
f1.innerHTML='<object id=contacthtml class=htmlpage type=text/html data=contactus.html>
<script src=./scripts/contact.js type=text/javascript></script>//Doesn't work
alert(document.getElementById('contacthtml').outerHTML); //shows the objects html?

If I use the object method the div f1 innerHTML content is changed but it's internal or external js is not recognized and doesn't run even if you allow the script to run at the warning/prompt the page is refreshed and the content reverts to it's previous state. The external.js link of the index page method can't refrence the id of the object and apply functions to the html elements of the object and hard coded inline scripting only works on the <a tag elements even though it still draws the warning/prompt?


I'm guessing that the objects have to be prefetched before writting them to the innerHTML and that the client has to approve their download but I can't find any reasonable explanation on the web other than flash type obects. :)

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Again, this isn't relevant to The Uniform Server, and I have no way of helping you with this specific code.


That said, there IS a better way to embed your Flash objects: Use swfobject.

Find out more at: http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/

I just used it to repair an outdated website that used Flash displays.




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BobS Hey guy I finaly got the javascript written in script tags of the contact.html page which I wrote to the innerHTML of the 'display' div as an object. What it took was amazingly simple. I had to have written an httpServerRequest or Ajax call to the server via external.js before the javascript would run. The call did not have to be made but just had to be there. Lucky for me I had links that required both object and ajax php calls, otherwise I would never have known. Any search on the subject generaly leads to the type swfObject or javaApplet etc. Thanks for that as in general these objects have urls that steer the media player to a proprietary company server that allows the scripts to run. Even though validation is a nusance the classic embed tag allows sounds etc. to be played regardless of what media player is loaded on the client. I didn't get to read your link but saved it to My Favorites and will do so soon. It will be interesting to see how long the browser war will continue to represent proprietory media recognition, a not so subtle form of cronyism bogged down in contract negotiations ;)

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