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Complete newbie trying his hand at hosting own site


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Hi all,


As the title states I am a complete newbie and need some questions answered or maybe just have me pointed in the right direction. My scenerio is as follows: I started playing around with WAMP and Joomla to create a website for my local sports team. I have almost finished the site and want to be able to host it on my own computer (Win XP Pro box). I was reading that the WAMP i was using was only recommended for local production as it was not too secure. So I went looking for a better solution and hence how I found this product and site.


I have downloaded and installed the product. I was able to backup my website and install it on the uniform server. I am able to see it locally but no one else (outside of my network) can see it. I have a domain name that points to a static IP. My computer is behind a router. I have setup static IP and DNS on the computer. I have forwared port 80 to my computer but still unable to see it. I can RDP into the computer from outside my network. I can also see the website if I type in the static IP. I thought initially it was a DNS naming issue and that it would be taken care of in a couple of days. It has been almost a week now.


So, I ask you all, what is needed to make this my website accessible to everyone else. Is there things I can/should be checking to see if they are working? Any help would really be appreciated.



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I am able to see it locally but no one else (outside of my network) can see it. I have a domain name that points to a static IP. I thought initially it was a DNS naming issue and that it would be taken care of in a couple of days. It has been almost a week now.




Been there. This seems to me to be a DNS issue. The key is that you can connect by IP. After all, DNS only acts as a name-to-IP translator. If it were a .htaccess problem, for example, you wouldn't get there with either the name or IP.


When you are on someone else's machine, what does DNS resolve the name to? If you get the address, fine. next guess. Otherwise you need to troubleshoot DNS.


For a quick test, you could use DynDNS.com to set up a (test) name that points to the IP. If this works, then you know your name registrar's DNS entry isn't set right.



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