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MongoDB Support


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Any plans to include MongoDB in with Uniform Server in the future? I really love Uniform Server but within the past month I closed two separate MongoDB freelance projects and had to rely on other not-so-polished WAMP solutions. I missed UniServ the entire time. :)

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There are no current plans to include MongoDB in with Uniform Server.


Being unfamiliar with MongoDB, have just taken a quick look to see how to install it.

I discovered it is command line driven with ability to specify a configuration file can be installed as a standard program or service (some reported issues with service).

Port used is definable hence can be run along side MySQL. It has a PECL extension for PHP 5.3 (not sure if this is generic and suitable for 5.3.2 and new 5.3.3)


Above initial look suggests it would be a potential candidate for a plugin.


I could not resist the temptation to have a play. :)

PECL extension 5.3 is generic (Tested on 5.3.3RC1 VC9). Located Mongo server in usr folder along with a config file. Had no issues with the server other than my test code.


If you could supply some simple test code it would be most appreciated.


Also I would like to know how you see the Mongo server being controlled from a user point of view.


All the best

Ric :blink:

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