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Installing Piwik on Uniform Server 5.4-Nano_Beta_1


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I'd like to experiment with installing Piwik (web analytic software, see www.piwik.org for details) on my localhost. If all looks good, I will eventually FTP the software to my host.


During the Piwik installation process, the software performed a system check and informed me that:

Piwik requires either the mysqli extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.


On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini:






Found out that I did not have "php_pdo.dll" (I do have the other 2 dlls). So I tried downloading a copy of the dll (version and added it to my extensions folder and modified the php.ini to include it. The software still gives me the same response.


Is it the version of the file that I'm using? Also, I heard that this file is built into Uniform 5.3 (suspecting same for the version I'm using). Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Oh, I'm a newbie so please pardon my ignorance!

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On Uniform Server 5.4 all three dll’s exist


This extension php_pdo.dll is compiled into PHP5.3.1

These two extensions php_mysqli.dll and php_pdo_mysql.dll are located in folder:



By default php_pdo_mysql.dll is not enabled

To enable this edit file: UniServer\usr\local\php\php.ini


Locate this line: ;extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll

Remove the semicolon as shown below



Note: If you will be switching between production and development enable the above in these two files.




All the best

Ric :)

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On Uniform Server 5.4 all three dll’s exist


This extension php_pdo.dll is compiled into PHP5.3.1

These two extensions php_mysqli.dll and php_pdo_mysql.dll are located in folder:



By default php_pdo_mysql.dll is not enabled

To enable this edit file: UniServer\usr\local\php\php.ini


Locate this line: ;extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll

Remove the semicolon as shown below



Note: If you will be switching between production and development enable the above in these two files.




All the best

Ric :)

Thanks for the info Ric! Very informative! :)

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