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PHP mail();


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Hi.. I have read in other posts that a local mail server is required in order for PHP to send e-mails. Is it possible to use an external mail server.


I use my ISP's email address, is it possible to go through my ISP's mail server??




ATOMIC Web Hosting 2007 - 2011

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You can indeed use your ISP's email address. Open the file php.ini located in folder:


\Uniform Server\diskw\usr\local\php


About halfway down this file locate the section named [mail function] you will find three settings: SMTP, sendmail_from, and sendmail_path.



[mail function]

; For Win32 only.

SMTP = localhost

smtp_port = 25


; For Win32 only.

sendmail_from = me@localhost.com


; For Unix only. You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").

;sendmail_path = "W:\plugins\SendMail\sendmail.exe -t"



1) Replace localhost with your ISP's SMTP server.

(The one you use to set-up Outlook Express)


2) sendmail_from = your email address, or an address you would like to appear as the default 'from' address for emails sent from PHP scripts


3) sendmail_path: Not used in Window leave as is.


Thats it :D

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Thanks for your reply. I have this..



[mail function]

; For Win32 only.

SMTP = smtp.xtra.co.nz

smtp_port = 25


; For Win32 only.

sendmail_from = kalpz@xtra.co.nz


And I get this...


Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "smtp.xtra.co.nz" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in W:\www\mail.php on line 2


Any ideas?

ATOMIC Web Hosting 2007 - 2011

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E-mail: sales@atomicwebhosting.com Website: http://www.atomicwebhosting.com/

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What you have set-up looks correct.


The error message you receive can be produced for a number of reasons.


1) You need to be connected to the Internet before running your PHP program.

2) If your host requires authentication for outgoing mail you cannot use the PHP mail function it does not support it.

3) Your service provider may be using an alternative port and not 25 (unlikely) Note: Check what you use in Outlook Express to confirm 2) and 3)

4) I assume you can send and receive emails (to this account) that rules out router, firewall and AntiVirus software problems.


I think that covers most causes you would be surprised 1) is the prime candidate especially when testing.

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1) Im on broadband, on 24/7

2) Not authentication on outgoing mail.

3) I use outlook, outgoing port is 25.

4) Yes.

ATOMIC Web Hosting 2007 - 2011

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E-mail: sales@atomicwebhosting.com Website: http://www.atomicwebhosting.com/

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Dont worry i've fixed it.


My McAfee was blocking the port 25. :|


Thanks anyways

ATOMIC Web Hosting 2007 - 2011

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Dont worry i've fixed it.


My McAfee was blocking the port 25. :|


Thanks anyways


It looks as if I jumped the gun when I dismissed the potential cause in 4)


Anyway glad you fixed it, more importantly thanks for the post and letting others know your solution to the problem.



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Your welcome..


Yeah I disabled everything and turned everything back on 1 by 1 and it turned out it was my antivirus :|. Oh well..


Thanks again..

ATOMIC Web Hosting 2007 - 2011

Shared Hosting - Reseller Hosting - Dedicated Servers - Virtual Private Servers (Request Dedicated/VPS Servers via E-mail)

E-mail: sales@atomicwebhosting.com Website: http://www.atomicwebhosting.com/

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