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About the license

wang chunsheng

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First, exclent work, thanks a lot.


As I know that the xampp is released under GPL license. I want to make sure that the license of uniform server has no problem. Since the license of MySQL and phpMyAdmin are both GPL licensed. I think unifrom server should be licensed in GPL also.


Hope reply. ;) Thanks a lot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am amazed that this question has not been commented on by anyone from The Uniform Server Development Team yet. Its been on the board for a month now.


First, the "Simple BSD License" that Uniform Server is licensed under is compatible with licenses of all of the 3rd party packages included in it, including the GPL for mySQL and phpMyAdmin. Second, the GPL products included in Uniform Server are independent software packages that do not "infect" the licenses of other packages and codes included in Uniform Server.


Although the logic for legal arguments supporting this are complex, to help wrap your mind around this in simpler terms consider the relationship of Apache, PHP and Perl (which are licensed under other terms) with the GPLed mySQL and phpMyAdmin packages in the server. If the packages were not independent or if their licensing terms were incompatible, there would be no such thing as the AMPP stack.

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Thanks for the feedback. In the next release of US you will find a new folder in docs containing licences.


Any licences that have not been included with US are inadvertent omissions and not intentional.


Copyright and licences are respected if there is omissions please let us know so they can be added to the next release.


All the best

Ric :)

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