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php-zip extension required for Moodle 2.0


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I'm glad to see the latest version of UniServer has almost all of the requirements to run Moodle 2.x. I'm thrilled to see a new version of UniServer...


A couple of quick requests:


Can we add the php-zip extension to the next update? I managed to get this to work in Mona by following the steps outlined at http://docs.moodle.org/en/admin/environmen...p_extension/zip


Downloaded Windows Binary Zip file from http://www.php.net/downloads.php

Copied the php_zip.dll file from the ext folder into W:\UniServer\udrive\usr\local\php\extensions

Uncommented extension=php_zip.ini in php.ini

Restart Apache


Thanks for a great piece of software


Oh, can someone remember to update http://uniformserver.com/ to include the new 4.0 version?


I've blogged on this at http://www.teachageek.com/2009/03/uniform-...-revisited.html

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