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  1. Hello again, I found the problem! It lies with how mysql handles passwords, I had to use the old_password function to change my password to the old format in order for phpMyAdmin to finally be able to connect. Sorry for the trouble caused >_<
  2. Checked and double checked even hidden files, no such files remain. I'm pretty sure that the mysql port has been hardcoded into the PHP binary which makes it ignore any changes in the settings file. I bolded the text in case someone missed it, and I'm on a Windows OS for both PCs.
  3. I'm not familiar with the windows registry but I'll try to run a search on the words php and mysql. There are 2 PCs that I use. At work, the PC here has no PHP/Apache/MySQL/IIS. They were uninstalled and I have checked all the folders for any remaining config files that weren't deleted and removed them. At home, the PC I use has IIS6, PHP4, MySQL installed and running. I have yet to run uniserver on this PC because I'm still unable to reconfigure uniserver to run well on a PC without those software.
  4. I found a php.ini file sitting in c:\windows, it was from an old installation. I had it deleted, restarted uniserver, still the same problem. ( T-T)
  5. I had it changed in my-small.cnf, that's how I succeeded in making apache and mysql to listen to a different port as mentioned in first post. But I think there was one other file I had to edit to make it listen on 33060 as editing the my-small.cnf didn't work. Here's the error from the phpMyAdmin that comes installed with uniserver. I hope it helps: And here's the connection info in phpMyAdmin's config file.
  6. I'm using uniserver on a PC that already has a webserver and mysql server installed. So in order for me to use uniserver, I had to reconfigure the ports. I browsed through all the files and succeeded in changing the apache port to 800 and mysql port to 33060. I also updated the mysql default port in the PHP config file to connect to port 33060. But it seems like it still doesn't work. Looking at the php config file again, it says Does that mean the default port is hardcoded into php.exe? I downgraded the php module to version 4. Thanks in advance.
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