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The disk w is busy. Use start.bat [disk letter]


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I keep getting this error when I run start.bat on WinXP:


The disk w is busy. Use start.bat [disk letter]


Press any key to continue . . .


I uninstalled Skype, Google Earth and anything else that I could think of that might be conflicting. I tried to ping localhost and when I do it from the command prompt it tells me:


C:\UniServer>ping localhost

'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.


but when I run it from the Run line, it says:


Reply from ::1: time<1ms

Reply from ::1: time<1ms

Reply from ::1: time<1ms


and then disappears so quick I can't see the message. I know that there is a setting to keep it open, but help returns the same message as ping.


Any assistance with this would be appreciated. I am developer, but I'm not very knowledgeable as far as system stuff.

I am trying to get Ruby on Rails to run, so if you have any pointers on that, I would really appreciate it.



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Do you have a W:/ drive or an AntiVirus/Firewall software that might be blocking the program from running on port 80?


Try runing command prompt from All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt


Type ping localhost or ping


What happens?


About the Rube On Rails, we plan to have a plugin out for that later but as you can see not our hands are filled... just wish we can find a good NSIS Developer to help with the installer creation... :P

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Do you have a W:/ drive or an AntiVirus/Firewall software that might be blocking the program from running on port 80?


No W:/ drive. I have the Microsoft firewall, but I had that on when it was previously working. No anti-virus on port 80


Try runing command prompt from All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt


Type ping localhost or ping


What happens?

Like I said previously:


I tried to ping localhost/ and when I do it from the command prompt it tells me:


C:\UniServer>ping localhost

'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.


but when I run it from the Run line, it says:


Reply from ::1: time<1ms

Reply from ::1: time<1ms

Reply from ::1: time<1ms


and then disappears so quick I can't see the message. I know that there is a setting to keep it open, but help returns the same message as ping.

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If ping does not work via Command Prompt, there is something wrong with the Windows Scripting Program....


Try it without cd'ing to the C:\UniServer directory.....


Do you have any Anti-Virus or any other Firewalll Software?


Also, do you have a previous install of PHP, Apache, or MySQL on your PC?


Try searching your PC for LIBMYSQL.DLL & PHP.INI If it shows anywhere other than the Uniform Server folder, delete it.... :(

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If ping does not work via Command Prompt, there is something wrong with the Windows Scripting Program....

I know. I can't even get the 'help' command to work. I can't find anything on the Microsoft website to fix it.


Try it without cd'ing to the C:\UniServer directory.....

Did not make a difference.


Do you have any Anti-Virus or any other Firewalll Software?


Just the Microfost firewall, but I had this running before with no issues


Also, do you have a previous install of PHP, Apache, or MySQL on your PC?


Try searching your PC for LIBMYSQL.DLL & PHP.INI If it shows anywhere other than the Uniform Server folder, delete it.... :(


Checked that - no duplication of those files.

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  • 1 year later...

I keep getting this error when I run start.bat on WinXP-Pro Media Center:


The disk w is busy. Use start.bat [disk letter]


Press any key to continue . . .


I have run cmd: ping localhost and ping and both tests came out A.O.K.


I checked task manager to see if any instances of php, sql or apache were running already. None were seen in the listing.


I then disabled all firewall, anit-virus and anti-spyware programs that i had, to no avail.


I am thoroughly frustrated with this batch file, as it has worked on my older computer (duron 800mhz running XP-Pro) and the file and folder associated are in the correct directories.


Here is the batch if it'll help, I hope someone can figure out this problem (I suspect its an O.S. problem) thanks in advance:




@echo off


diskw\home\admin\program\pskill.exe Apache.exe

IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto started

set Disk=%1

IF "%Disk%"=="" set Disk=w

rem create the disk

subst %Disk%: "diskw"

IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto hint

set apachepath=\usr\local\apache2\

set apacheit=%Disk%:%apachepath%bin\Apache.exe -f %apachepath%conf\httpd.conf -d %apachepath%.

set programit=%Disk%:\home\admin\program\

set closeit=%programit%close.bat %Disk%


cd \usr\local\php

start \usr\local\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.exe --defaults-file=/usr/local/mysql/bin/my-small.cnf


echo The server is working on the disk %Disk%:\ [http/]

start %Disk%:\home\admin\WWW\redirect.html

start %programit%miniserv.exe "%apacheit%" "%closeit%"

goto end



echo The disk %Disk% is busy. Use start.bat [disk letter]

goto pause



echo ERROR!!!

echo One of the instances of Apache server is started. Use stop.bat


echo .



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ok i tried creating making the "diskw" folder into a virtual drive using cmd prompt and it was successful.


But i still can't get the bloody batch file to work properly.


the command i had to use in cmd prompt was:


subst w: server\diskw


Where the drive i wanted to create was "w:" and the folder "diskw" was located in "C:\server\diskw" but only server\diskw is needed.


the batch file should've created the same thing, but heck if i know why it didnt :rolleyes:

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  • 1 year later...
I have this problem only after I either crash apache or lose the explorer window.

So the only way around it is to log out and log back in to windows.

I seriously hack Uniform Server to death. When irrecoverable I find its because I have run it way out of its intended spec, would be interested to reproduce this problem.


If possible can you list what you do to kill it?


All the best


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  • 5 months later...

I keep getting this error when I run start.bat on WinXP:


The disk w is busy. Use start.bat [disk letter]


Press any key to continue . . .


I uninstalled Skype, Google Earth and anything else that I could think of that might be conflicting. I tried to ping localhost and when I do it from the command prompt it tells me:


C:\UniServer>ping localhost

'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.


but when I run it from the Run line, it says:


Reply from ::1: time<1ms

Reply from ::1: time<1ms

Reply from ::1: time<1ms


and then disappears so quick I can't see the message. I know that there is a setting to keep it open, but help returns the same message as ping.


Any assistance with this would be appreciated. I am developer, but I'm not very knowledgeable as far as system stuff.

I am trying to get Ruby on Rails to run, so if you have any pointers on that, I would really appreciate it.





I have exactly the same problem. Must have read about a hundred threads , but no solution.

Weird thing : after downloading the uniform server it worked great on my hard drive.

After a couple of days this error appeared.

So I found a way, I put the server on a stick and it worked again!

After only a few days though, the "Disk w is busy" error came back.

Moved the stick to my notebook and all was well again.

Of course it took only a week and the error was there too.


now you...

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