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Len Jacobson

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  1. Sudeep, Thank you again for your suggestions. One thing that I am sure was obvious to you but not to me is that using the Apache->Apache Vhost->Create Apache Vhost requires that the test server name have ".com" following it (as in "laptop-test-server.com"). I will try that. You've been a great help to me and I appreciate it very much! Thank you. Len
  2. Sudeep, It would never have occurred to me to try "http://laptop-test-server". And when I did, it worked exactly as you described. Even entering "laptop-test-server" thereafter worked as you said it would. Strangely, it doesn't seem to work for all of my several websites that are in sub-directories of C:\UniServerZ\www\TestServer. I wish I understood why this version of UniServerZ has this issue when earlier versions did not have the problem. I must admit to you that I do not understand how to apply your advice in your second-to-last paragraph. Could I trouble you to help me further with this? In my first submital in this thread, I included copies of the pertinent files. If you could help me to correct the contents of those files, I would be very grateful. Or if you help me to use the Apache->Apache Vhost->Create Apache Vhost process that you suggested in your first response, that would be great, too. Thank you very much. Len
  3. In all my years of using UniServer, I have always had my test server located at: C:\UniServerZ\www\TestServer and I have called my test server: laptop-test-server When I executed the Apache->Apache Vhosts->Create Apache Vhost as you suggested, it asks for the Root Folder Name. I entered "www\TestServer", which it said was an incorrect format. Entering just "TestServer" was accepted. But it won't accept "laptop-test-server" as the Server Name. It says it is an "incorrect format". Please advise. And thank you so very much for trying to help me!!!
  4. On my new laptop (running Windows 10 Pro), I have created a test server. It appears to be working correctly with one exception -- I cannot enter "laptop-test-server" into the URL field of my browser and bring up the test server. When I do that, the browser brings up a search engine that shows me hits for the search on "laptop-test-server". I have modified the 'hosts', 'httpd.conf', and 'httpd-vhosts.conf' files as I have always done. But this time it doesn't work. I have attached the 'hosts' file in its entirety. I have attached just the last section of the 'httpd.conf' file, because the rest of that file is exactly the original content of the file. And I have attached the 'httpd-vhosts.conf' file. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Len Jacobson My_hosts My_httpd.conf My_httpd-vhosts.conf
  5. I have no idea what has happened, but just now I opened up the UniServer control dialog box and clicked once again on "phpMyAdmin". It worked!! I have not made any changes to anything on my new laptop since the last time I clicked on that button and brought up only lines of text (i.e., no nicely windowed 'phpMyadmin'). I fear, however, that the problem may reoccur. If anyone has any ideas, I (and others) would appreciate your thoughts. Len Jacobson
  6. Sudeep, It does appear that I do have the Visual C++ Redistributable file installed. Please see the attached JPEG image from my Control Panel. Len
  7. Sorry to show my ignorance -- what is VC Runtime 32bit? My laptop is a 64-bit computer. Len Jacobson
  8. NEW INFORMATION -- Two New Bits of Information On my old laptop, I had been using UniServerZ 12.2.0. I installed that version on the new laptop and it exhibited the very same problem -- 'phpMyAdmn" won't display nicely formatted. So the issue is not due to something in the newest version of UniServerZ. My new laptop runs Windows 10 Pro, whereas the old laptop ran Windows 10 Home. So I installed the newest version of UniServerZ onto my desktop computer, which is running Windows 10 Pro. That installation of UniServerZ works fine. So the issue is not due to Windows 10 Home vs. Windows 10 Pro For security, I am running Windows Defender Firewall. No other security program. Any suggestions? Len Jacobson
  9. On my old laptop, I had been using UniServerZ 12.2.0. I installed that version on the new laptop and it exhibited the very same problem -- 'phpMyAdmn" won't display nicely formatted. So the problem has got to be caused by my new computer. The one big difference between the two laptops is that old laptop was operating Windows 10 Home and the new one is running Windows 10 Pro. Could that be the cause of the problem? Len Jacobson
  10. I have used UniServer for several years. I just bought a new laptop and am trying unsuccessfully to install the newest version of UniServer -- 14.0.2. After installation, the following pages display properly: localhost Server Console MySQL Console But clicking on phpMyAdmin button causes a display of unformatted PHP code: get(Response::class); /** @var DatabaseInterface $dbi */ $dbi = $containerBuilder->get(DatabaseInterface::class); /** @var HomeController $controller */ $controller = $containerBuilder->get(HomeController::class); if (isset($_REQUEST['ajax_request']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['access_time'])) { exit; } if (isset($_POST['set_theme'])) { $controller->setTheme([ 'set_theme' => $_POST['set_theme'], ]); header('Location: index.php' . Url::getCommonRaw()); } elseif (isset($_POST['collation_connection'])) { $controller->setCollationConnection([ 'collation_connection' => $_POST['collation_connection'], ]); header('Location: index.php' . Url::getCommonRaw()); } elseif (! empty($_REQUEST['db'])) { // See FAQ 1.34 $page = null; if (! empty($_REQUEST['table'])) { $page = Util::getScriptNameForOption( $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabTable'], 'table' ); } else { $page = Util::getScriptNameForOption( $GLOBALS['cfg']['DefaultTabDatabase'], 'database' ); } include ROOT_PATH . $page; } elseif ($response->isAjax() && ! empty($_REQUEST['recent_table'])) { $response->addJSON($controller->reloadRecentTablesList()); } elseif ($GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->isGitRevision() && isset($_REQUEST['git_revision']) && $response->isAjax() ) { $response->addHTML($controller->gitRevision()); } else { // Handles some variables that may have been sent by the calling script $GLOBALS['db'] = ''; $GLOBALS['table'] = ''; $show_query = '1'; if ($server > 0) { include ROOT_PATH . 'libraries/server_common.inc.php'; } $response->addHTML($controller->index()); } I have tried reinstalling UniServer, but it didn't help. I have never encountered this problem before and would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks much. Len Jacobson
  11. My son came up with the solution. In the 'hosts' file, I needed to have on one line the following: localhost laptop-test-server Previously, I had them on separate lines. To be honest, I don't know why it worked when I put them all on one line, but the bottom line is that that's how I got it to work.
  12. I have not used Uniform Server in a while. I am presently using PHP Version 5.6.19. I have defined a "<Virtual Host>" with the name, "laptop-test-server". It appears to be properly recognized. If I then open a PHP file on the test server with the URL "laptop-test-server/include/somePHPfile.php", I get the following error message: Forbidden You don't have permission to access /include/somePHPfile.php But if I open that same PHP file on the test server with the URL "localhost/include/somePHPfile.php", it works fine. Similarly, if I open it with the URL "", it also works fine. Can someone point me in the direction to fix this problem? Thanks much. Len Jacobson
  13. On previous versions of the Uniform Server, I have had no problem installing and upgrading a package called WHMCS that uses PHP and MySQL. After installing UniServer Zero Version 12.2, I cannot get WHMCS to install/upgrade. It has permission problems. Here is one example of an error that I received: Unable to complete incremental updates: Unable to import the 3.6.2 database file. Unable to import C:\UniServerZ\www\TestServer\events\whmcs\resources\sql\upgrade362.sql: Error on rename of '.\reunions_whmcs\#sql-2f44_3d.frm' to '.\reunions_whmcs\tblaccounts.frm' (Errcode: 13 - Permission denied). My computer is running Windows 10. I would appreciate any ideas to overcome this issue. Thank you. Len Jacobson
  14. Ric, You have answered my two questions perfectly and I thank you!! Regarding the download of ZeroXII_php_5_6_19_g.exe, I didn't know where to find it. You gave me the link to its location and that is what I needed. Again, thank you very much.
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