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Getting MySQL running


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I am unable to get MySQL running. I get "Unable to connect" when I use Run MySQL Server, Stop MySQL Server, or any other Uniform Server command which uses /a-cgi/. phpMyAdmin shows the Error "MySQL said: Documentation #2003 - The server is not responding"


I noticed that mysqlrun.cgi & mysqlstop.cgi are located in the W:/home/admin/CGI folder, yet the a-cgi bin references /localhost/apanel/cgi which (with the apanel alias of /home/admin/www/) would hit W:/home/admin/www/cgi directory.


I've tried changing the Alias and redirects in the httpd.conf file without successfully getting mysqlrun.cgi to execute.


Any help would be great.



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I really dont know what you did but you messed up. 3.3 does not use http://localhost/a-cgi/, it uses http://localhost/apanel/cgi-bin/


Everything has been restructured under the Admin Panel Folder Root... I am praying that you did not just copy over the old server because if you did, you messed up badly....


Download a fresh copy is the only thing i can say now...

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