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Bug? PEAR frontend


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Everytime I visit frontend my PEAR configuration gets reset to default values. Why do you do that? The code which is executed each time frontend is accessed ([us_root]/home/us_pear/index.php):


$arr['temp_dir']      = $us_pear_folder.'\temp';
$arr['bin_dir']       = $us_pear_folder;
$arr['php_dir']       = $us_pear_folder.'\PEAR';
$arr['doc_dir']       = $us_pear_folder.'\PEAR\docs';
$arr['data_dir']      = $us_pear_folder.'\PEAR\data';
$arr['test_dir']      = $us_pear_folder.'\PEAR\tests';
$arr['cache_dir']     = $us_pear_folder.'\PEAR\cache'; 
$arr['php_bin']       = $us_pear_folder."\\";
$arr['download_dir']  = $us_pear_folder.'\temp\download';
$arr['php_ini']       = $path_array[0].'\usr\local\php';
$arr['www_dir']       = $us_pear_folder.'\www';
$arr['cfg_dir']       = $us_pear_folder.'\cfg';

And this code shows other possible problems:

1) why php_dir is being set to PEAR? If I understand the purpose of this setting correctly, for UniServer it should point to the same location as php_ini.

2) why php_bin do not point to UniServer's php binary? That location and name of binary is known for you as you control layout. And this screws packages installed. For example CodeSniffer's BAT file content looks like this:


@echo off
REM [rems skipped]
"C:\UniServer\home\us_pear\" -d auto_append_file="" -d auto_prepend_file="" -d include_path="'C:\UniServer\home\us_pear\PEAR'" -f "C:\UniServer\home\us_pear\phpcs" -- %*

instead of


@echo off
REM [rems skipped]
php -d auto_append_file="" -d auto_prepend_file="" -d include_path="'C:\UniServer\home\us_pear\PEAR'" -f "C:\UniServer\home\us_pear\phpcs" -- %*



@echo off
REM [rems skipped]
"C:\UniServer\usr\local\php\php.exe" -d auto_append_file="" -d auto_prepend_file="" -d include_path="'C:\UniServer\home\us_pear\PEAR'" -f "C:\UniServer\home\us_pear\phpcs" -- %*


And that problem with incorrect php binary value is valid for most packages.

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