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  1. I had this same problem, what I did was since the config.inc.php reads the password from a file, the mysql_password file and I figured it wasn't reading it in correctly, I hardcoded in the password just changed this on line 76 implode ('', file ('../mysql_password')); to whatever password is your root, like so 'password'; I hope this helps.
  2. I have had the same problem, but I figured a way around it. I commented out the security check. I commented out the top line that says require secure; with a #require secure; Then, I just restarted mysql and it worked. Make sure you comment it out on all the files that require a security check, mainly rmysql.cgi rserver.cgi dserver.cgi smysql.cgi sserver.sgi But this will pose a security risk unless you make sure you only give access to your ip,, in the .htaccess file and deny every other ip address.
  3. I'm still getting the problems, with that same message when I try to start mySQL. I changed .htaccess to even allow all and its still not giving me access to it. I have version 3.3 of Uniserver. I didn't change any of my settings at all since I last had the server running. All I did was I stopped uniserver and restarted my computer and started uniserver back up and then tried to start mySQl and I got this message: Security alert! Possible attack HTTP_REFERER is not localhost. but ''. (to disable this warning go: /home/admin/CGI/Secure.pm) Please could someone help me. I can't figure it out. Thanks in advance.
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