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Can't load module mod_auth_ldap.dll


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Hi all, this is the first time i'm asking for help from a forum, i normally think my questions aren't valid. But now as i have no where else to fins answers i hope i can get some help from you. I am trying to add a module to apache for ldap authentication, I downloaded Muquits dll, version 2 for apache two. (uniserver3.3) I followed the instructions on his page to the T,(add the following to the .conf file "LoadModule auth_anon_module modules/mod_auth_ldap.dll" and copy the .dll file into the modules folder ) but i'm having some problems. when the webserver starts up it tries over and over but nothing happens. The same also happens if i uncomment some modules which shipped with the server package. ie#LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so BTW all my modules end with .so


some errors i got while trying to use the mod_auth_ldap.dll

([Thu Feb 16 20:58:57 2006] [alert] [client] W:/home/admin/www/.htaccess: Invalid command 'AuthUserFile', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration



([Thu Feb 16 19:19:46 2006] [alert] [client] W:/www/web/phone/.htaccess: Invalid command 'LDAP_Server', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

) thanks

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Did you edit the .htaccess file? If you didn't, delete it.


If you did, check your settings.... It is loaded, but there is somehting wrong with your settings.


Make sure you did not mess with the installed modules also... seems like you uncommented a module. The one that powers the 'AuthUserFile'.



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thanks for your reply, thus far i've moved all my .htaccess files somewhere else, and checked the config file, it looks a bit like this


LoadModule auth_module modules/mod_auth.so

LoadModule ldap_auth_module modules/mod_auth_ldap.dll

#LoadModule auth_anon_module modules/mod_auth_anon.so

#LoadModule auth_dbm_module modules/mod_auth_dbm.so ..etc


my .htaccess file had something like this in it

LDAP_Server server.xx.xx.za

LDAP_Port 389

Base_DN "ou=xx,ou=xx,o=xx,t=xx,"

UID_Attr_Alt employeeNumber .. etc


or the other option which went like this

#AuthName "ICTS Staff only"

#AuthType Basic

#AuthLDAPURL ldap://server.xx.xx.za/ou=xx,ou=xx,o=xx,t=xx,?employeeNumber


and the error logs errors were ....


[Thu Feb 16 19:32:28 2006] [alert] [client] W:/www/web/phone/.htaccess: Invalid command 'LDAP_Server', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

or this

[Thu Feb 16 20:29:02 2006] [alert] [client] W:/www/web/phone/.htaccess: Invalid command 'AuthLDAPURL', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration


the errors i was getting were related to the way the connection was being created(bold and italics).


unfortunately i don't even get this error anymore, when i start Uniserver it goes straight to the redirect.html page and i have taken all traces of .htaccess files out of my directories, this happens now regardless of whether i have the the .htaccess files or not, strangely though if i take the modules out of the modules folder and uncomment the required line in the conf file uniserver still opens redirect.html. ie doesn't like loading modules maybe?

It has occured to me that i might not have a compatible .dll, all the files i downloaded are dated 2002(i save the files which were for Apache2.x), but my apache files are 2004. his site states

(The DLL may not work with any other Apache other than v2.0.47).

if this is the case i'm sorry for wasting your time and mine, but then my problem is still difficult to solve as i can't seem to download the files for Apache2.0.5

he has a new version(MS Windows binary v3.07 for Apache 2.0.55 )

on his site but i can never seem to save the files, 504 Gateway errors. however like i said before if the modeules aren't even in the folder i don't even get an error can't load module.....etc, sorry for the long post. gdb

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i have just setup Uni3.2 now and included these exact lines in the conf file

(LoadModule ldap_auth_module modules/mod_auth_ldap.dll)

and the server doesn't boot, i get sent straight to the redirect.html page, i hope i am doing something really stupid.

the documentation also say this

Then put the following line under the line ClearModuleList


AddModule mod_auth_ldap.c

however i don't have a ClearModuleList in my conf file.




i then copied the dll's to the modules folder but no change. do i need to copy the dll's anywhere else, is there a apache setting i need to change to enable dll's to be loaded, this is very frustrating, as i'm being held up by this module, can you suggest alternatives i could look at just in case i never get this working. i know it can't be a problem with uniserver, as there are probably loads of people who are using it with this dll. i read about mod_ldap, but couldn't determine if it would suit my needs(authentication to our ldap server over a secure port for evrybody who visits the site), thanks again

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  • 3 weeks later...

seems like i'm the only person who has had this problem, well it is fixed now, however i was getting this error once thigs started working, "[Thu Mar 23 00:28:07 2006] [warn] (OS 64)The specified network name is no longer available. : winnt_accept: Asynchronous AcceptEx failed. " any idea what it means or how i can avoid it in the future, it seems to be linked to the .htaccess files, but i'm not sure how?

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Ok.. sorry it took so long... if you read my announcement thread you will see what going on with me... and i just came back.


Anyways, about the first problem.. i also do think it is because you do not have the right version of that module. A friend of mine told me about this site (http://www.gknw.net/development/apache/) where you can get Apache Binary files. You need to download the right Apache Version from there that is included in the Uniform Server. You can check the change log or the SourceForge Release Notes for this.


About the new problem, it is because it can't connect to either a computer, the internet or a site it needs to connect to.

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cool thanks for the hints, i've resolved the problem as i mentioned but i still don't understand it, however i don't plan on doing anything to cause it to appear again(if i can help it) i had to disable ldap authentication to the uniserver admin panel as it wasn't working but it works for my website(strange), and for some reason i can't seem to have both ldap authentication and .htpassword authentication for different parts of my site, neither of those points are a real problem, just curious about them, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate well done, thanks for the link, i'm looking for mod_ssl now so it will come in handy

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Ok..... about mod_ssl, check our wiki for an article there that might help you. http://wiki.uniformserver.com


I will look into the rest for th next veersion.

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  • 11 months later...

i have just setup Uni3.2 now and included these exact lines in the conf file

(LoadModule ldap_auth_module modules/mod_auth_ldap.dll)

and the server doesn't boot, i get sent straight to the redirect.html page, i hope i am doing something really stupid.

the documentation also say this

however i don't have a ClearModuleList in my conf file.

i then copied the dll's to the modules folder but no change. do i need to copy the dll's anywhere else, is there a apache setting i need to change to enable dll's to be loaded, this is very frustrating, as i'm being held up by this module, can you suggest alternatives i could look at just in case i never get this working. i know it can't be a problem with uniserver, as there are probably loads of people who are using it with this dll. i read about mod_ldap, but couldn't determine if it would suit my needs(authentication to our ldap server over a secure port for evrybody who visits the site), thanks again




I am also facing same problm. I am using Apache 2.2.4. I've downloaded corresponding DLL, copied it to apache module directory, also copied C SDK 5.08 DLLs. Added LoadModule..... in httpd.conf.

But unable to boot apache. Please help me out.



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