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  1. Problem: If you have changed the root password, phpMyAdmin will give you the following error message : "#1045 - Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: YES)" I have been in contact with Olajide, and he has kindly informed me: "ok, i found the problem and its a mistake from our part.... MySQL 5 has improved the emysql.user table and chnaged some things around so the mysql.user table in Uniform 3.3 is still using the old MySQL 4.1 way... thats the problem... If you read the /usr/local/mysql/data/*err file, you will notice it... It wont let you change the password because of this.. if you can wait a month for the next version it should be fixed... To fix it yourself, download MySQL 5.1.17 from MySQL.COM and copy over the mysql.user table, then edit the mysql_password file and put the default mysql passpord in it. Try root or nothing at all... i'm not sure what the default mysql password is...." I have not tried the work-around and will wait until this is fixed, hopefully in 3.3a. Congratulations Uniform Server team on being so responsive to your users! Special thanks to Olajide. "Do you live on your computer?"
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