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  1. I also believe Uniserver is working properly. I just don't understand it yet. For my hosted site I use Lunar pages. On that site I added TNG (The Next Generation of Genealogy sitebuilding) to my public folder. It is this genealogy sitebuilding that I wanted to work with off line. Here is a quote from their website: "The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding© ("TNG") is a powerful way to manage and display your genealogy data on the Internet, all without generating a single page of HTML. Instead, your information is stored in MySQL database tables and dynamically displayed in attractive fashion with PHP (a scripting language)." All I had to do to get things working on my hosted site was to download a zip file from TNG and upload all the files to my site. Once that was done I opened a read me file for setting up their program. It even had areas within the readme document that I could click on and it would automatically set file permissions and a few other things. I did have to create a MySQL database name and password on my site. Now with Uniserver I tried to replicate the steps I took with my web hosted site. When I open the read me file and I try to have it automatically set file permissions or any of the other steps it doesn't work. I also tried to setup a new MySQL database in Uniserver the same as I had on my webhost. I hope this information helps you some. Thanks
  2. I have successfully installed Uniform Server 3.5 on a Windows XP computer. My purpose in using it is to test and design a site to be later uploaded to a web host. Actually this site is already working on a webhost but I want to work on it locally. Unifrom Server will not be a live server. This is all new to me and I have a lot of gaps in my knowledge so please be patient. I have put all of my website files in the www folder. I have an index.php file and I assumed that by clicking on it that it would just open up but this is not the case. If I type in the address bar http://localhost/index.php/ it opens but only displays a message at the top saying Error: TNG is not communicating with your database. Please check your database settings and try again. At this point I am lost and have no idea how to proceed. I have tried to find some type of new user guide but can't really find anything. There was a step by step guide for install which was good.
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