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RewriteRule makes an 500 Internal Server Error


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hey @ all =)

its mi first post but untyl today a had no problems with the unifomserver,

nice work =) but there i have one question:

why does a a RewriteRule make an 500 Internal Server Error ?

my code:

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)$ /index.php?ids=$1&section=$2
RewriteRule ^([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)$ /index.php?ids=$1&section=$2&page=$3
RewriteRule ^([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)$ /index.php?ids=$1&section=$2&page=$3&do=$4

RewriteRule ^contact$ /index.php?ids=contact

it happens also on a fresh uniserver installation as on other OSes to, my OS w2k3, but it also happens on XP.

do someone have some infos how i can realize that the code i posted would work?

an my real webserver it does work, only localy on uniform it wants :D




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Not sure what you are trying to do with the code however a 500 error indicates a server configuration problem.


Check the server error log (*\Uniform Server\udrive\usr\local\apache2\logs\error.log) to see what the problem is.


I have little experience with RewriteRule is the first minus valid [-0-9a-z] thought it specified a range hence something should come before it!


Are you sure this is a valid construct *+ to me it looks as if they may conflict.


You state on your real server it works, would this be Apache 1.3!


I think check the error log first, should point you in the right direction. :D


All the best


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RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)$ /index.php?ids=$1&section=$2
RewriteRule ^([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)$ /index.php?ids=$1&section=$2&page=$3
RewriteRule ^([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)$ /index.php?ids=$1&section=$2&page=$3&do=$4

RewriteRule ^contact$ /index.php?ids=contact




RewriteEngine On
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteRule ^([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)$ /index.php?ids=$1&section=$2
RewriteRule ^([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)$ /index.php?ids=$1&section=$2&page=$3
RewriteRule ^([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)/([-0-9a-z]*+)$ /index.php?ids=$1&section=$2&page=$3&do=$4

RewriteRule ^contact$ /index.php?ids=contact

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hey =)

thanks for the replys =)

this is form the error log:

"W:/www/.htaccess: RewriteRule: cannot compile regular expression '^([0-9a-z]*+)/([0-9a-z]*+)$' "

now ive changed this ([-0-9a-z]*+) to this ([0-9a-z])

now there is no error, but i cant use now the function i made before.

this script should work like this:


and interprets i to:



i want to eliminate urls like this httq://localhost/?ids=main-category&section=1&do=edit

to make mo user/crawler friendly urls


here a Demo

and there is nothing changed its the code ive posted before

hosters apache version is:

Apache/2.0.54 (Debian GNU/Linux) PHP/5.2.4-0+tld0 with Suhosin-Patch mod_ssl/2.0.54 OpenSSL/0.9.7e


@olajideolaolorun: ive tried what you have posted but it doesnot work.


i am noob in regular expression, so i dont now how to realize this so that it can work localy =(

maybe some idea how to made user friendly urls for the UFS?


thx Stefano


ps: sorry for my bad english

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I think the only problem is with *+ in the original code use + only try this:


Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([-0-9a-z]+)/([-0-9a-z]+)$ /index.php?ids=$1&section=$2
RewriteRule ^([-0-9a-z]+)/([-0-9a-z]+)/([-0-9a-z]+)$ /index.php?ids=$1&section=$2&page=$3
RewriteRule ^([-0-9a-z]+)/([-0-9a-z]+)/([-0-9a-z]+)/([-0-9a-z]+)$ /index.php?ids=$1&section=$2&page=$3&do=$4

RewriteRule ^contact$ /index.php?ids=contact


All the best

Ric :D

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