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  1. Well, it did not work for a day The page will only load on my computer. Is there ANY settings that might keep uniform server/apache from sending a swf file? Any help would be great. I just do not know what else to do...
  2. wtf? Now it is working... For now... I have no idea why.. Perhaps it was the htaccess file? I had the old ht access file from another version of of uniform server...
  3. It is in the directory. Part of the file loads. The size is only 150K, but fully never loads. See for your self: www.stangercorp.com/stanger.swf There is no error given..
  4. Ok, I have a strange problem. I have a flash based website that I copied to the server folder. That page seems to work fine. However, now that I have uploaded new .swf files my webpage will not serve these new swf files! If it type them in directly in the url I get an error saying page can not be displayed after some delay, just sits there doing nothing, or I get some error showing the server name ect... Its not real consistant.. However if I type in a url to my first flash file it loads with no problem
  5. I am trying to revamp an old site. It is flash based. Somehow, I dont remember, flash passes varables to the php script. My old code is nolonger working when moved to uniform server.. Is there any server settiings that would prevent this from working? Flash calles: loadVariables("http://www.whatever.com/ebook/matchsnb.php", this, "GET"); Flash is reading varrables back with no problem, but I do not seem to be able to read anything from flash. Further, I tried to pass a varable on the url www.whatever.com/test.php?hello=hello%20world The php script did not echo back the varable. I need help please!
  6. I just installed the new 3.3 uniform server that solved that problem, please delete this!
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