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PEAR directory bug 8.5.4-8.6.7


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In Coral 8.5.4 (checked the current 8.6.7 and it appears to still be there), the us_pear/index.php tries to naively guess its location using

$path_array      = explode("\\home",dirname(__FILE__)); // Split at folder us_lear

This of course fails if the directory that Uniserver is installed in happens to have 'home' in it. (In my case, I had it installed in c:\home\Uniserver, so us_pear was in C:\home\UniServer\home\us_pear.


Not only did it guess its paths wrong, even when I updated the pear.conf file with the correct paths, it just kept overwriting it with the wrong paths.


My solution: replaced that line with

  $path_array = array(realpath(__DIR__ .'/../..'));

Now it correctly finds the Uniserver root two directories up and can find itself (instead of thinking that it's at C:\home\us_pear).


Hope that helps somebody else.

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Thanks for your feedback; correction will be implemented in next release 8.6.8


The above bug was perpetuated in 9.0.0-Steel corrected in next release B5


All the best

Ric :)

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